40 dollar inclined bed frame ibt 1Inclined Bed Therapy:  Sleeping Inclined To Restore and Support Your Health For Free.  Fascinating Science, Discovery, History and Medical Research In Circulation And Posture, by Andrew K Fletcher.  Read the Success Stories.  Check the Forum.

Varicose Veins & Oedema Results Using Inclined Bed Therapy (IBT) "Raising the head end of the bed by six inches"

Varicose Vein Oedema Inclined Bed Therapy Study Alternative to Surgery

9 years 3 months ago #361 by Andrew
Instructional video showing how to convert a wooden framed bed for Inclined Bed Therapy for around £11.00

Easier than you might think.

Hope you enjoy the video

Happy Holidays


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9 years 3 months ago #362 by Andrew
10/03/2013 16:17:43 »


It's been a while since Inclined Bed Therapy was introduced to this forum and thought it is a good time to ask for progress updates from those of us using IBT.

A new page on Facebook has stimulated some very interesting results and I hear from new people testing IBT almost every day with the same predictable positive results.

For those of you who have not yet heard about what IBT is and has already achieved for people with multiple sclerosis.

Inclined Bed Therapy has been shown to improve health and wellbeing of the many who have tried.
It's simple! raise the head of your bed by 6 inches and sleep on it!

Inclined bed therapy is where one's bed is raised 6 to 8 inches at the head by using bricks, wedges, or blocks to raise it (even books). This can have a positive effect on your health and help with many disorders including:- Spinal cord injury, Multiple Sclerosis, back pain, Circulatory problems, acid reflux or GERD, sinus and respiratory disorders, sleep apnea, low metabolism, edema in the legs, and many others.

Its free to try for everyone. Feel free to tell your friends and families. Inclined Bed Therapy has brought a new lease of life to thousands and it can help you!

Inclined Bed Therapy should only be used as part of a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle includes following a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and being physically active.

You can find us on facebook.com/inclinedbedtherapy where you can share experiences, ask questions and learn more about how this simple non-invasive FREE therapy can help you and your family.

Andrew K Fletcher (Originator of IBT)

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9 years 3 months ago #363 by Andrew
My experience with IBT
« Reply #319 on: 03/04/2013 23:01:30 »


I wish I would have known about your blog before now. I was using IBT for at least three years until I recently moved to a new home. Since then I have been sleeping on a flat bed and propping myself up when I want to lie on my back. In 1995 I had my gall bladder removed, and since then I have had GERD. About three years ago I put the head of my bed on the 6" riser cubes and began this experiment. The gerd symptoms did improve substantially in the first several months. Unfortunately my lower back hurt very often as a result. My husband tried to sleep this way, which may have helped his snoring, but the back pain and sliding down he experienced made him stop.

I wish I would have known your research on the subject of varicose veins being helped by this therapy. I have some veins which some vascular surgeons disagree about - I guess they can be called mild varicose veins. These developed because of standing for long periods, and were aggravated by sitting for long car trips. The conventional wisdom is to prop the legs up whenever possible. While I don't believe the IBT caused them to hurt more, when they were hurting at their worst the discomfort would keep me awake at night. Logic made it seem that having my feet and legs pointing down while in bed wouldn't help. So I began propping them up while sleeping in the inclined bed position. I know that you've said that this is counterproductive, but propping them up while sleeping seemed to relieve them, (whether that was an accurate assumption I don't know now.)

The inclined position helped with the acid reflux problem greatly. However I had perpetual tightness in my lower back that my chiropractor attributed to sleeping on an incline. I already have uneven muscles from sleeping on my left side most of the time and never on my right. This and the discomfort in my calves prompted me to not prop the bed up after I moved. Since moving I've been sleeping on a horizontal bed again, propping my upper torso up when I want to lie on my back. The veins aren't bothering me currently, however now I believe that this is causing trigger point inflammation in my buttocks, which is causing other problems. I am desperate to solve this dilemma and after finding this site I am considering IBT again.

I also have kidney stones, and I am wondering if you have any data regarding the effects of IBT on these? The increased density of urine concerns me, because I already tend to not drink enough. I believe I read a few key words here about kidney stones, but I could not find the original post. I would greatly appreciate any information you have about this and any ideas about lower back pain. Thank you.

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9 years 3 months ago #364 by Andrew
Dear Friends,

I just created the petition "Inclined Bed Therapy (IBT) Trials In Hospitals" and wanted to ask if you could add your name too. The petition is asking for trials to be conducted to evaluate Inclined Bed Therapy.

This campaign means a lot to me and the more support we can get behind it, the better chance we have of succeeding. You can read more and sign the petition here:


Thank you!


P.S. Can you also take a moment to share the petition with others? It's really easy – all you need to do is forward this email or share this link on Facebook or Twitter:

Short link to petition: you.38degrees.org.uk/p/inclinedbedtherapy

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9 years 3 months ago #365 by Andrew
Re: Varicose Veins & Oedema Study Inclined Bed Therapy IBT Alternative to Surgery
« Reply #321 on: 02/06/2014 04:18:00 »


Just found this forum. Will read through the entire thread eventually, but wanted to add.

I've slept on inclined bed for over 14 years, during which time, had a minimal bed head height of 8 inches, and now at 18 inches. Recently learned I have varicose veins and chronic venal insufficiency. Upon learning, I raised the leg portion of my mattress, thereby forming a bed head height of 18 inches, dipping at the pelvis and then a raised leg height up to my chest height. Very similar in shape to those adjustable head and leg height beds. Here's what happened overnight.

1. My feet became far less sensitive to cold and were far more comfortable in hot shoes.
2. Some muscle knots in my legs reduced by 80%.
3. Tension in my pelvis reduced by 60%

I've interpreted the above as my circulation improved--blood was able to return from my tall body extremities much easier during rest period of sleeping.

I don't know why original poster's veins actually improved, but I would guess that most people are more likely to worsen leg problems by an inclined bed.

Additionally, these type of issues I believe are better estimated by guessing the state of nature. In such, most humans have likely evolved sleeping on mostly harder, flat surfaces . As such, people slept moreso on their backside. This optimal sleep position developed through hundreds of thousands of years of evolution will better forecast whether inclined-bed sleep therapy study will work. After all, even a six month study will not reveal the issues that will later occur in sixteen years.

If anyone knows very long term effect of inclined bed sleeping or even inclined bed with raised legs sleeping, I would love to learn!

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9 years 3 months ago #366 by Andrew

« Reply #322 on: 11/07/2014 16:35:34 »

Hello Everyone, am new here.
I have had a vericocele (varicose testicular vein) now for about 12 years. It can cause many problems so I of course I am quite anxious to somehow heal it without going for surgery.

My question: Does one need to do inclined bed therapy permanently once success is achieved? More specifically, can a faulty valve actually heal itself if given the proper conditions?


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9 years 3 months ago #367 by Andrew
Video of radio interview with Patrick Timpone on One Radio Network. It's an hour long so save the link for when you have time to listen.

The interview covers how Andrew made this remarkable discovery in circulation by revisiting how trees circulate sap. Moving on to how this same density driven circulation applies to the body. He then talks about how he applied this to how we sleep and sit, because posture had become far more important than anyone could imagine.

The radio Host has asked his listeners to test IBT and to report back to the show when Andrew is re-invited back to learn what the listeners have discovered about raising the head of their bed 15cm higher than the foot end.

History of sleeping is also discussed where Andrew explains about Ancient Egyptian beds being inclined and how people became afraid to sleep flat in the Tudor period during the sweating sickness.

It is well worth a listen.

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 3 months ago #368 by Andrew
A doctor who heard the radio interview has experimented with IBT and gone public with his observations on One Radio Network. This is another first and will help us enormously to reach out to others.
-Dr. Massey shares his experience using inclined bed therapy
-Reversing varicose veins and raising blood oxygen levels with inclined bed therapy.
His comments on IBT begin at 45:00 in to 54:35 on the audio file www.oneradionetwork2.com/mp3/health/chal...ssey_richard_one.mp3

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 3 months ago #369 by Andrew

Published on 25 Oct 2014

The Science of Sleep Radio Interviewing Andrew Fletcher by Charles De Carle peoplesinternetradio.com/
GRAVITY Heals Sleeping Flat makes us sick according to Andrew K Fletcher, who has spent 20 years researching the History of sleep to find answers to why we sleep on flat beds today.
His exciting sleep posture discovery has helped countless people to regain their health against impossible odds simply by raising the head end of their bed by around 6 inches or 15cm, causing the entire bed to slope down from head to toe at an angle of approximately 5 degrees to the horizontal.

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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