Inclined Bed Therapy: Sleeping Inclined To Restore and Support Your Health For Free. Fascinating Science, Discovery, History and Medical Research In Circulation And Posture, by Andrew K Fletcher. Read the Success Stories. Check the Forum.
Children with #reflux Gastroesophageal reflux disease #GERD
In Chile during the 70s renowned pediatrician Dr. Isidoro Horwitz started to use IBT to treat his reflux patients. My sister and I were 4 and 5 years old and we slept like this for over 5 years without using any medication. Before meeting Dr. Horwitz our parents struggled just to keep us Alive. Today, we are both in our 50’s and enjoy great health.
#snoring #varicoseveins #acidreflux #gerd #nocturia #nightimeurinefrequency
IBT Refreshes Parts Other Beds Cannot Reach! Acid Reflux GERD
I was researching general health issues after experiencing too many side effects from the acid reflux medication I was prescribed, when I stumbled upon one of Andrew's articles in 2009. It took a few months for my husband to get the materials together but he did a great job and late 2009 I was sleeping on a 6 inch incline. It took a few days for it to become a natural feeling and to get used to slipping down the bed but within 2 days I noticed my acid reflux had lessened to the extent I felt it safe to stop taking the prescription drugs. I remain acid reflux free to this day. The other thing IBT helped with is my snoring. My husband will tell you it hasn't completely disappeared but it lessened to a degree that I wake in the morning feeling like I've had a decent nights sleep, refreshed and full of energy. My mood improved too because of the quality of sleep. My husband plans to follow suit this year when we have the money for the materials, he's hoping for a reduction in his high blood pressure.
I also had two friends that tried it with amazing results. One man, in his late 60's had a very painful neck, he'd been to many professionals but none of them had helped him in this matter. He tried IBT and on the first night it had cured his neck pain! I remember seeing in the local corner shop, really animated, telling everyone else in the shop what IBT had done for him! He now lives in Ireland, and I know he's spreading the message there, in fact, he decided to go to an 8 inch incline but I've not heard if that is any better for him.
My other friend is a man in his mid 60's, he had a prominent varicose vein. He tried IBT and within a week his varicose vein had completely disappeared! He remains sleeping inclined. Both men also mentioned that they made less trips to the toilet during the night
Shetland Islands
I noticed that a mistake is often made in this and other websites about IBT. Advice is often given about using the length of the bed to calculate the correct magical 5 degree angle. That advice is quite misleading. The distance that must be used is the distance between the legs near the head of the bed and the legs near the foot of the bed -- not the length of the bed. For example, my bed is 200 cm long, but the distance between legs is only 141 cm.
I used a CAD program to precisely calculated the required length of the legs at the foot of my bed, while retaining the original legs near the head of the bed, in order to achieve a 5 degree angle. I have uploaded that drawing as an image titled 'Bed Angle Calculation', in case it is of any interest to anyone else.
The bed is a Wenatex bed, in case anyone is wanting to modify that brand of bed.
I constructed the legs from 90 mm downpipe PVC, and the materials cost about $ 20 AUS or about $ 15 US.
I have also (hopefully, successfully) uploaded photos entitled 'Installed Bed Leg', 'Bed Leg Assembly', and 'Bolt Through Slide-on Cap' to give more details.
If anyone wants any more details about fabricating the legs, feel free to send an email to
While I am here, I might also mention a clear-cut benefit of IBT. I haven't seen it mentioned elsewhere, although I have not read all posts, so I might have missed it. IBT helps reduce or eliminate gastric reflux. This is not hard to understand. Gravity moves the contents of the stomach down away from the inlet valve at the top of the stomach when a person lays down with their head higher that than their stomach.