40 dollar inclined bed frame ibt 1Inclined Bed Therapy:  Sleeping Inclined To Restore and Support Your Health For Free.  Fascinating Science, Discovery, History and Medical Research In Circulation And Posture, by Andrew K Fletcher.  Read the Success Stories.  Check the Forum.

First and Second Inclined Bed Therapy Pilot Study Results Read Only

2nd Multiple Sclerosis Inclined Bed Therapy IBT Pilot Study Results

9 years 10 months ago #153 by Andrew
Re: never have tried this,Monday 22-Nov-1999 23:04:51,
writes,I'm very sorry you have had a bad personal experience with
Andrew. I have only had e-mail contact with him and found him to be
very encouraging and supportive! It's too bad that your NG isn't
taking his suggestion very seriously.
I have had a similar experience when I have suggested his inclined bed
to my MS friends in the AOL chat room. I am amazed at people who will
poke themselves with chemicals costing thousands of dollars annully
but won't try something simple free and painless! Some argue that
they can't do it with their water bed...others can't be bothered to
find some extra wood or bricks to give it a try. Whatever the excuse
is it's a pity that they won't receive the benefits of at least
trying this!! ,Terri,tharri8...@aol.com

Re: never have tried this,Sunday 26-Dec-1999 19:53:45,
writes,dear dglenn
how grateful i am that you took the time to post your experience. i
too have felt much sadness about mr. Fletcher's approach if not for
any other reason than that results which are positive should always
speak louder than the inflammatory me-against-the-western-medical-maze
sad song which seems frequently sung by this researcher.
such a shame since the little i've been able to study of the theory
beneath the rhetoric seems provocative. but as was the case with
kevorkian (whose highest population by the way was folks with ms)
feelings about the work should never supercede the work. hence that
very useful time-worn paradigm: the double-blind placebo controlled
now don't get me wrong as someone with this dx i like most others
do plenty of alternative stuff. have to. but what a shame that
zealots may potentially do more harm than good to their causes.
keep the faith and don't throw out the baby-six to eight inches
tall-just because of the bathwater. ,k,

Re: never have tried this,Thursday 30-Dec-1999 11:19:11,
writes,As I have been hammering on the doors of the people who have
both the power and the funds to conduct a "proper controlled
scientific study since 1994 when I made this discovery. I now feel
qualified to give it the best shot that I have at my disposal and
deliver this free knowledge to the people who need it now and not in
10 or fifteen years time. You are mistaken to consider that a double
blind placebo study is possible. If you have an idea how to convince
fifty percent of the study members that they are sleeping flat when
inclined or sleeping inclined when they are sleeping flat I would
be delighted to hear your ideas.
The only solution would be to have a double cross over when people
revert to and from inclined bed rest in order to determine any
changes. The only problem with this approach is that most people who
have slept inclined for a few months do not relish the idea of
undoing their progress in the name of science.
I had to look up zealots to find the definition as I was unsure but
I can live with being called a Zealot it pales into insignificance
with shouts of Liar con man snake eyed sales prick idiot moron
and the devil. The thing that I find fascinating about historical
discoveries is that they were all met with the same abuse and
taunts. No matter how much logic and evidence is put before blind
contempt prior to investigation. No matter how much effort and
personal investment time and energy one pours into something which
one believes to be true and pure there will always be a voice in
the crowd that defies reason. Perhaps this is why Individuals have
to become stronger when faced with such odds.
It really would be a crime a shame and a disaster for me to abandon
this genuine attempt to help people with many illnesses. Just ask
yourself this. If you were in my shoes and faced with so much
hostility would you be any different in your approach to be heard.
I agree that the "Proper Channels" should be the way to go for
everyone with a new discovery. But again history tells a different
story. There is an excellent book by Richard Milton titled: Forbidden
Science Exposing the secrets of Surprised research. published by
FOURTH Estate Limited. ISBN 1-85702-302-1. If I could be so bold as
to ask you to obtain a copy from your library or book store in order
to understand exactly what I have been up against for these last five
years. Perhaps then you might not feel so sad.
I am grateful to you for affording me the opportunity to respond to
your message by airing your views on our message board. I hope you
will find time to visit this board again from time to time to see
how things are moving along for people who have judged the logic of
my scribbling for themselves and acted accordingly.
Please feel free to sleep inclined and see if you like it. Perhaps
you might also post your observations here in a few months time
'Nothing is too wonderful to be true if it be consistent with the
laws of nature'. Michael Faraday
Andrew ,Andrew,

Re: never have tried this,Saturday 5-Feb-2000 05:51:48,
writes,Hello again Glen
I see your message is still on display you are probably doing more for
the raised bed than all the other messages as soon as you wish to try
to ease your problem all you have to do is try it. There is a motto
(Who dares wins) and if you don't dare you will never win!
I wish you well.
John ,John,

Re: never have tried this,Sunday 6-Feb-2000 08:15:09,
writes,You sound so angry. All Andrew is asking is that we incline our
beds and tell him the results. It's better than the medical world
saying take this shot feel lousy and maybe your ms will progress
slowly. I am doing all I can to overcome MS. The inclined bed is
helping me. It took away pain and unsteadiness in the morning. It is
helping with the bladder over the night. My husband is not snoring and
more rested than ever. My kids love the inclined bed and are begging
for one. Good luck with your MS. Lori ,Lori,Foon...@aol.com

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 10 months ago #154 by Andrew
never have tried this,Monday 15-Nov-1999 03:13:50,
writes,I doubt this message will stay on the message board long. I
have MS and read alt.support.mult-sclerosis every day. It's not that
I don't believe that there is a very small chance that this would
work anything is possible. I feel that this message board should have
at least 1 message on it so that all will know that Andrew Fletcher
continues to I guess the best word for it is harrass our NG. He
comes around every couple of months he's asked many times to leave
that we are not interested. Finally he leaves then all of a sudden
he's back. Some of his post to the MSers on our NG are bordering on
harrassment. From my observations I would say that more than ¾ of the
readers would rather he leave and never come back. He is often told
this but it seems to fall on deaf ears. I am happy to hear that this
works for some of you but with the attitude Andrew Fletcher has I
wouldn't try it simply because of the way he has come across to us.
I wouldn't trust the word of anyone with the people skills Andrew
has. He may sound caring and loving here but he is by far a different
person when on our NG. I honestly think he continues to come around us
for no other reason than to start flame wars. His presence causes
stress for some of us and he should know that stress is bad for MS.
Apparently by knowingly causing stress he could care less about our
health. If he really did care he would leave us alone. ,dglenn,

Re: never have tried this,Wednesday 17-Nov-1999 15:51:32,
writes,I have been in this study since Feb 99. I am secondary
progressive and in a chair. I am so sorry you would not even
consider this study! I use to get up 3-4 times a night to go to the
bathroom. Now I get up once if at all. I also use to take 8
different medications daily. I take 3 now. My energy level has
returned I no longter take naps during the day. I have never slept
better in my life! Prior to two moths ago I could not move my left
leg or foot. I do now. It is not complete movement but more than I
have been able to in years.
Having been diagnosed twenty three years with M.S. I have a long way
to go but am greatful to get back what I have.
I don't know Andrew personally. Our only contact has been through
his study that I came across on the internet.
What did all this cost me? Nothing!!! I am very pleased to be part of
his study and wish him continued success!

Re: never have tried this,Friday 19-Nov-1999 15:34:22,
I really am sorry and sad to read your message you really do seem to
have got yourself wound up. Andrew is not trying to force anyone to
make life easier and more comfortable. It has certainly worked for me
but mine was only a spinal injury.
I hope your message does stay on the board for a long time as I am
sure you will get many replies.
Whether you try this method or not I wish you all the best but if you
do not try it you will never know if it would have helped you or not.

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 10 months ago #155 by Andrew
Re: Today is a good day! ,Monday 22-Nov-1999 23:09:52,
It's about time you get the recognition you deserve. My husband and
I thank you daily for what you have done to improve the quality of
mylife since my MS diagnosis. In the 8 months I have been doing this
the only exacerbation I have had was self-induced (I overdid some
exercise) and it is going away in weeks vs. months as it has in the
It's time for the medical community to take note of what you have
done for us. (When was the last time they changed someone's life for
the better - without payment?)
Thank you and congratulations again! ,Terri,tharri8...@aol.com

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 10 months ago #156 by Andrew
Today is a good day! ,Wednesday 17-Nov-1999 07:21:51,
writes,Nope today is truly great day!
I had a chance meeting with a vascular surgeon a couple of weeks ago
he listened as I rambled on about gravity as I do. He then said that
he had to check out my ideas at the hospital and within an hour he came
back to me saying that he had found someone who I was helping and that
the inclined bed appeared to work.
His interest is in circulatory problems including oedema gangrene
varicose veins and leg ulcer.
An important development is now taking place with regards of setting up
a clinically controlled study into varicose veins oedema and gangrene.
A vascular surgeon has expressed an interest in my work and wants to
become involved with a study to see what effect gravity has on the
above conditions. I have waited so long for this to happen and am
delighted with the outcome to say the least.
Last year I met with Professor Ernst and three Doctors at Exeter
University during a presentation of my findings. Professor Ernst said
that he found the whole subject fascinating and would like to see a
study conducted. Unfortunately The Dr who Professor Ernst recommended
would have nothing to do with the study. This was a major set back as
we were hoping to include many of his patients on the study.
I have written to Professor Ernst and informed him of the vascular
surgeons interest and he has written to me asking me to jointly write a
protocol for the study. When completed Professor Ernst will edit the
protocol and help to present the case for obtaining funding. Ernst is
one of the Worlds leading figures in alternative and complimentary
The Journal for Alternative and Complimentary medicine are to publish a
feature about my discovery either this month or next.
John Simkins formally Chairman of the Multiple Sclerosis Resource
Centre in Essex called on Sunday to tell me that he was at a meeting
with over 200 people involved in MS. He was amazed when someone stated
publicly that raising a bed by six inches at the head end significantly
reduces the production of urine and reduces the number of times that
people go to the bathroom at night. He asked if he could give my name
and telephone number in a paper he is writing about the meeting. I of
course agreed.
I met Adrian Sanders MP on Sunday and he has visited the message board
which is frequented by all of the people involved in our study on the
Internet. He printed out the information and is attempting to gain the
interest of the new Minister for Health. Adrian attempted to set up a
meeting with the former Health Minister Frank Dobson but was blocked by
Civil Servants and is concerned that the same Civil Servants are still
in Office. At the very least Adrian who appeared in the Local Papers
in support of my work expects to generate some government interest
this time and is now even more determined to push this important
discovery forward.
There is currently a tremendous amount of professional and
non-professional interest in our discovery by people all over the World
due to the positive study results on the Internet Message Board. Thank
you Cheryl for setting this up and maintaining it in an orderly way.
Lawrence who is now the Manager for the Multiple Sclerosis Resource
Centre is planning to visit me this month to learn more about my
research and to discuss how we could move this forward with regards to
reaching more people with multiple sclerosis. Lawrence would like to
see a controlled study set up independently of myself to see if the
results can be replicated. However I feel that this would leave me high
and dry as usual with zero funding unless I can become involved in

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 10 months ago #157 by Andrew
4 months now and no real change,Saturday 4-Dec-1999
09:59:15, writes,Hi everyone I've slept inclined now
almost 4 months I havent seen any big changes yet. I think I need to
get a dehumidfier it is very humid here in SC. Even now that we are
into fall. I am now on med for my bladder so I dont have to go so often
I didnt usually have to get up and go during the night it was when I
would situp it would just run. I have noticed I am warmer when I sleep.
I will continue to sleep this way and hope to see some more
improvements. I also have tried to improve my diet with raw vegetables
and fruits something will work. Im sure. ,Nancy,purpl...@cetlink.net

Re: 4 months now and no real change,Wednesday 15-Dec-1999
02:39:10, writes,Dear Nancy I can under stand some of
your frustrations. I have been doing this for 8 months and have had
some very slight changes for the good. I can still work in a busy
energany department as a nurse yet have cut back my work to half-time.
At the end of the day I just totally exhausted and yet still have
trouble falling asleep. Things were better earlir this year during the
inclined sleep. I just think I am going through a bit of an exacerbaton
now.I plan on continuing sleeping this way (my Husband snores less) and
find it very comfortable. Please feel free to write be back. Laura

Re: 4 months now and no real change,Friday 24-Dec-1999
00:54:22, writes,Hi Nancy & everybody! I'm an
"anxcient history" in this study (I have been sleeping inclined
from Jan 99) which I still think I'm as green as a leaf in the
experience in this.To tell you honest I am trying to "build up
myself" mentally.Lets face it to develop this disase it took as years
not months.Why should we expect the changes in few months than? I had
a few changes myself which I definetly wish for more.I wish to wake up
one day & be just old me like I was before.Each time I'm looking at
my 5 yrs old child to incourage myself her allergic caugh just disepear
in thin air after 2 days few moths ago (when I put her bed different
way )& doesn't come back I wish us all for Christmas & this coming
Year lots & lots of patience propably for years to come.I hope you all
have a wonderfull time Marzena ,Marzena,mon...@iinet.net.au

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 10 months ago #158 by Andrew
IT'S GREAT!,Monday 31-Jan-2000 12:15:08, writes,IT

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9 years 10 months ago #159 by Andrew
Happy Birthday 43 Today,Friday 17-Dec-1999 03:29:10,
writes,Hi Everyone
The best birthday I could wish for. Thank you everyone for your help
with this study.
Kind regards
Andrew ,Andrew,

Re: Happy Birthday 43 Today,Thursday 23-Dec-1999
00:12:57, writes,HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDREW!! Thank you so
much for letting me be a part of your study.I have now been sleeping
inclined 11 months. I feel better than I have in years. I do have
nerve damage so may never be able to walk again but sleeping inclined
has made the best of the situation. I sleep through the night now
rarely getting up. I am well rested and have so much more energy. I
took a bad fall back in October broke my sternum. The doctor said it
would be 2-3 months in healing. Before the end of the fourth week I
had no more pain and was back to my normal activites. I wish you and
all involved in this study much success and the Very Best Wishes in the
New Millennium. Thank you again!! ,Cheryl,clin...@flash.net

Re: Happy Birthday 43 Today,Friday 24-Dec-1999 01:00:32,
writes,Happy 43 Birthday Andrew! Wish you all the best.Thank you for
coming up with the idea & including us in this study. Marzena

Re: Happy Birthday 43 Today,Thursday 30-Dec-1999 11:44:43,
writes,Hello Andrew and a belated Happy Birthday. I apologize that I
didn't know. You deserve so many good things in your life for all
that you have given to all of us.
I hope 2000 brings the needed scientific study and ultimate recognition
of your theory and brings an end to the negative comments you have had
to endure.
Affectionately Betty
,Betty Iams,bia...@san.rr.com

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 10 months ago #160 by Andrew
It has been a year,Tuesday 25-Jan-2000 02:08:08, writes,It
has been nearly a year from the time I have decided to sleep
inclined.Everybody on the board is so silent .People are you still
alive? Here is my time for a progress report.For past few days my
right leg has been really numb muscles are very tense & I have this
shutting like an electric current going down my leg .I hope this is a
good sign..Never experience this sensation before has anyone?I'm very
sleepy as well.My New Year's resolution is to improve my walking
abilities.It is good for someone who spends most of the time on the
wheelchair.Isn't it? Marzena ,Marzena,mon...@iinet.net.au

Re: It has been a year,Wednesday 2-Feb-2000 19:32:47,
writes,Hi Marzena
Thank you for sharing your experiences with everyone. You are a real
The electrical pain down your leg was reported from other people who
slept for 12 months on an inclined bed. In every case there followed
some revival of a lost function or an increase in sensitivity to lower
limbs. I believe you are about to experience something special. The
road might get a little bumpy at times but at least we appear to be
heading in the right direction for once.
The same pain was experienced by three people with spinal cord injury
prior to regaining sensitivity in the lower limbs. See John's

RE: Spinal Cord Injury
If you can stand supported try to stand for progressively longer
periods. This will greatly accelerate the therapy. But make sure you
can't fall. Ask someone to supervise. People use a standing frame in
the UK Supplied by the Health Service.
Best wishes Marzena


Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 10 months ago #161 by Andrew
Re: IT'S GREAT!,Wednesday 2-Feb-2000 19:32:35,
writes,Thank you Mandy this message is a real tonic for the message
board. I am in no doubt that there are many people out there
experiencing the same benefits and many have sent me reports. Please
keep sending them in when you notice any changes. And consider sharing
your experiences on the message board for more people to follow.
If you have not sent in a report or your concent form please do so
for everyones sake we need to make this study count.
Great things are happening in the UK

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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