40 dollar inclined bed frame ibt 1Inclined Bed Therapy:  Sleeping Inclined To Restore and Support Your Health For Free.  Fascinating Science, Discovery, History and Medical Research In Circulation And Posture, by Andrew K Fletcher.  Read the Success Stories.  Check the Forum.

First and Second Inclined Bed Therapy Pilot Study Results Read Only

2nd Multiple Sclerosis Inclined Bed Therapy IBT Pilot Study Results

9 years 10 months ago #117 by Andrew
Encouraged,Thursday 17-Jun-1999 12:13:20, writes,I was
diagnosed with Secondary Progressive MS in 1986. I have been confined
to a scooter since 1994 after a bout with pneumonia. I started the
inclined bed 3 months ago and didn't think I had noticed any changes.
I was about ready to quit when I read your letter. Also the one about
sleeping cool. I realized that I have been sleeping with just the
sheet! Before I always used a blanket too. Maybe my temperature and
metabolism are changing!! I am reporting this to Andrew for his study.
Thanks for the encouragement-I will continue. ,Kay ,km...@Juno.com

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9 years 10 months ago #118 by Andrew
Re: Getting Results,Sunday 27-Jun-1999 10:07:29,
writes,Thanks for sharing your positive news Linda. It helps everyone
when any of us share our positive results. It can be discouraging when
we aren't seeing current results. I always try to remember that it
took us a long time to get to the place where we were when we started
with the inclined bed and it may for some of us take a long time to
see physical and neurological improvement. No two of us have MS alike
and the speed with which we see improvement will vary also.
Again thanks for sharing by posting your results. ,Betty

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9 years 10 months ago #119 by Andrew
Getting Results,Monday 21-Jun-1999 07:29:57, writes,I had
been on vacation for 8 days and had been sleeping flat and noticed a
big difference in my my left leg. Ankle swelling and knee joint pain
were returning. After returning to an inclined sleeping position these
symptons are going away again. About 6 years ago I had a nail
infection and my skin pulled away from the nail beds. I had a nail
techncian tell me they would probably never return to normal. Since
starting the inclined sleeping position my nails are healing ! For
many years I have also had a toenail that grew funny. On both sides it
curled under and made a big ridge on top. It is now growing in flat.
My leg is getting stronger. Yesterday I was able to clean most of my
house by myself. First time I've been able to do this in a year. I
have been sleeping this way for 3 months and I recommend it to
everyone. ,Linda,

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9 years 10 months ago #120 by Andrew
Re: A neurologist recommends sleeping inclined,Tuesday 29-Jun-1999
03:00:19, writes,Betty thank you for sharing this
important news with everyone. Many people are now seeing some
improvements and the time is right to approach neurologists and
consultants with a view to winning their support. Your daughters
example has been a great lift for me.
One neurologist's opinion could be ignored but two would prove
difficult to ignore and six or seven would prove impossible to ignore.
If you could all try to involve your neurologist and / or your
consultant it would greatly aid our study.
MRI scans etc. are important and if you have one and are due for
another this could be vital evidence for the reversal of neurological
damage. Ask for an opinion on any changes in writing and this might
open doors into the medical world for us.
Reports and letters from opticians are another important means of
adding solid foundations to the study results. If you could send in a
copy by post or email it would prove very helpful.
I have an application for funding from the UK MS Society and the RNIB
but require qualified professional help in order to gain funding. We
need the support of a medical institute be it a hospital or a
university in order to secure some support.
I have not received any financial support as yet from any organisation
despite far too many attempts. But rest assured I will see this


Re: A neurologist recommends sleeping inclined,Saturday 17-Jul-1999

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9 years 10 months ago #121 by Andrew
A neurologist recommends sleeping inclined,Sunday 27-Jun-1999
09:59:19, writes,Recently my 44-year-old daughter was
diagnosed with relapsing/remitting MS. She apparently had her first
small episode about 10 years ago. One of the first things I suggested
to her was to elevate the head of her bed. She did that and reported
that the tingling and numbness in her legs was reduced by at least 50%
from the very first night.
She reported on the elevated bed to her neurologist and he told her
there is much scientific evidence to support the theory that the human
body is designed to function vertically as opposed to horizontally. He
said elevating the bed should improve all circulation in the body and
said he is recommending the elevated bed to all his MS patients in the
future. I am trying to get this neurologist to write something for our
message board and also for my Journey to Wellness newsletter and
He also recommended the same diet nutrition stress reduction and
exercise program that I recommend. AND I THOUGHT IT WAS MY IDEA!!
Please visit my Betty's House...Life After MS website at
home.san.rr.com/iamshouse and watch for a statement from this
neurologist. He can open big doors for us in the allopathic medical

,Betty Iams,bia...@san.rr.com

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9 years 10 months ago #122 by Andrew
Inclined bed brings Immediate improvements,Thursday 1-Jul-1999
23:12:50, writes,I was dx 9 yrs ago with Chronic Progressive
MS and using a cane. I just started sleeping on the incline bed 4 days
ago. Immediately I did not have to get up at night to use the bathroom
which normally I was getting up 2-4 times per night. I NOW sleep
sound and ALL night and get up in the a.m. refreshed and feeling
rested. Before it took me a couple of hours to get my body functioning
and seemed like it took movement to get the circulation moving.
Therefore I didn't even want to get up in the a.m. I was sleeping
anywhere from ½ to 1 hr at a time trying to get my sleep not ready to
get up till 11:00 or 12:00 noon. Wasteing my days. After a just a few
days I was a different person able to do many things and FEEL like
doing many things that I have not done in years. My legs quit aching
that dull constant ache. I felt normal going to another room to
retrieve an item or turn off a light or getting something I forgot.
Normally It was a really dreadful chore just limping to the other room
to perform a task no matter how small. I felt like I was worn out all
the time. I now feel much more like my old self and it's been a
couple years since I felt that way. I forgot just how good it felt just
to FEEL like WANTING to do something. My husband is sharing this
experience on the inclined bed and I am noticing how his snoring has
become quieter and shorter. He also mentioned mine is too. He has lots
of trouble falling to sleep and it has sometimes taken him 3-5 hrs. He
works nights and sleeps days. Yesterday he was asleep in 1 ½ hrs.
I'm gonna keep my eye on this and see if it continues. He is getting
use to the incline but I am so excited about all the little things
that I notice happening that I can't wait for night knowing more
good things will be happening. I would definately recommend this for
all who wish to try it I believe in it. Some people do take longer
to adjust or see any results but we're all different and no matter
how long it takes it is helping your body. It was mentioned some
people have a backache or soreness moving up the spine and a stiff
neck. After which they will then begin to see some good results. Will
on my 3-4th days I had a sore throat and thought maybe I was coming
down with a cold. Well it felt like sore glands in my neck. Guess
that was the stiff neck they were talking about. It left during the day
and I felt good. Well Time for bed and I gotta run. (Maybe I really
will some day) Thanks Andrew! Good Luck to Everyone who joins this
Survey I don't think you'll ever regret it. I know I WON'T!!
Connie-Michigan ,,fairm...@pilot.msu.edu

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9 years 10 months ago #123 by Andrew
Drop Foot Greatly improved and gave my cane time off.,Wednesday
7-Jul-1999 01:13:11, writes,Just had to tell you that my
drop foot is almost non-existant I cannot believe how well I can
walk. Of course I still have to be careful about balance and going
downstairs slowly. But I can go down stairs and up stairs without
helping lift up my leg with my hands. 3 Trips up and downstairs in One
day are about what I took All last year. I even did the laundry
haven't done that in about 1 ½ yrs. I love the bed and sleep so
well. I just feel Great! Please Everyone don't just say
"Su-u-ure?" Try it! You must prove to yourself that it works. You
have my thoughts & prayers. ,Connie-Michigan,fairm...@pilot.msu.edu

Re: Drop Foot Greatly improved and gave my cane time off.,Saturday
10-Jul-1999 09:08:04, writes,What kind of bed do you use?
Thank you for your assistance.
Sincerley: Rick from New Orleans ,RICK,da...@bellsouth.net

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9 years 10 months ago #124 by Andrew
Progress Report,Saturday 10-Jul-1999 01:34:26, writes,This
is my second message the first was some months ago. I have been part of
the inclined bed project since 10th January 1999 and the purpose of
this message is to remind everyone who is a bit impatient to stick with
it. In my first report I pointed out the almost immediate improvement
in my bladder problems this has continued. After seven months I am
still awaiting any major changes with my walking and balance. But the
facts are I AM NOT GETTING WORSE and my sense of well being has
greatly improved. I am now exercising in the gym each day (gently)and
can walk about 700 yards with the aid of a walking stick.We must all be
patient each of us has a different MS and the improvement in our
symptoms will vary each time also.I for one will see out Andrew's
Michael ,Michael Hunt,Michael.L.H...@btinternet.com

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9 years 10 months ago #125 by Andrew
Re: Cystic Fibrosis?,Wednesday 14-Jul-1999 12:20:07,
writes,Hi Connie
cystic fibrosis is of interest to me and I believe could be improved
with the inclined bed therapy. This belief is based on other
respiratory conditions which have responded.
However as yet I am unaware of anyone trying this with CF
If you do find someone who is willing to give this a try please ask
them to join our study.

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