40 dollar inclined bed frame ibt 1Inclined Bed Therapy:  Sleeping Inclined To Restore and Support Your Health For Free.  Fascinating Science, Discovery, History and Medical Research In Circulation And Posture, by Andrew K Fletcher.  Read the Success Stories.  Check the Forum.

First and Second Inclined Bed Therapy Pilot Study Results Read Only

2nd Multiple Sclerosis Inclined Bed Therapy IBT Pilot Study Results

9 years 6 months ago #126 by Andrew
just started,Sunday 18-Jul-1999 16:39:08, writes,I have ms
and am in a wheelchair also have severe back problems and edema. I
just started on July 6th with the bed inclining no improvement yet.
Will this help with all of these problems? I am sticking with it b ut
would appreciate some encouraging words. This "treatment" is less
painful than bee stings which I tried for three months and made me
worse. Thanks in advance and keep smiling everyone.

Re: just started,Wednesday 21-Jul-1999 02:01:14, writes,Hi
The words on this message board should suffice and carry a more
convincing case than anything I could ever say.
Just hang in there the road might get bumpy at times but in the words
of an uplifting tune "Things can only get better".
Kind regards
Andrew ,Andrew,Grav...@currantbun.com


Re: just started,Saturday 24-Jul-1999 20:45:17,
I hope the inclined bed helps you as much as it's helped me! It may
take a while to make a difference for you but I hope you will only see
slow and steady improvement.
Best of luck to you...
Terri ,Terri,tharri8...@aol.com
Cystic Fibrosis?,Monday 12-Jul-1999 23:19:04, writes,Has
anyone with Cystic Fibrosis tried the incline bed? What kind of results
did you find? ,Connie,fairm...@pilot.msu.edu

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9 years 6 months ago #127 by Andrew
PARKINSON'S DISEASE,Monday 19-Jul-1999 01:37:44,

Re: PARKINSON'S DISEASE,Wednesday 21-Jul-1999 01:57:38,
writes,Hi Bev
With regards to Parkinson's:
Five people to my knowledge have and are trying this. Reports have been
sporadic so it's hard to judge how much this intervention is helping.
Nevertheless I have been informed of similar patterns of improvement.
How far this will go with PD would require another study like ours.
Unfortunately I do not have the funds to stray from my objective.
Since January I have not received a report indicating anyone with PD
has climbed aboard so we can conclude that this area of neurological
damage remains untested. If you would like to involve a person with
this illness in our study I would have no problem with it.
I will say this though. 'I am without doubt that any neurological
condition will respond to this intervention irrespective of the
severity of the condition!' Getting people to try it though and
comply with the simple rules of the study appears to be the real
Kind regards

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9 years 6 months ago #128 by Andrew
After 23 days still enjoying improvements.,Monday 19-Jul-1999
22:25:16, writes,I posted 23 days ago when I started
sleeping on the incline bed. I've had improvements from the first
night and just wanted you all to know that I am still enjoying all
those improvements. (Read my 1st post above for all the particulars) I
really enjoy sleeping on the bed and feel so refreshed and clear
headed. I have Chronic Progressive MS. At least 8 people in my family
are now sleeping on the incline bed also and are noticing
improvements in their own sleeping habits. (No nighttime bathroom
visits and snoring has stopped) They have only been doing this for 1
week therefore as time goes by they will no doubt be reporting More
"Good Health" news. Connie-Michigan ,,fairm...@pilot.msu.edu

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9 years 6 months ago #129 by Andrew
Bitter pill to swallow. Fiction or fact? ,Thursday 22-Jul-1999
02:43:39, writes,A Placebo Effect scenario Bitter pill
to swallow. Fiction or fact?
When gravity enters the equasion "Placebo" is very real and plays
an important part in any treatment.
Patient: Multiple sclerosis or any other medical condition for that
matter acute depression loss of sensitivity in hands and feet poor
hair and nail quality no energy tired all of the time hardly able
to get out of bed. Constant pain in muscles and joints limbs swollen
repeated chest infections skin in poor condition overweight taking
drugs to ease pains depression and to assist sleeping etc. Most of
the time unable to stand so dependant on sitting in armchair
Wheelchair inevitable.
Prescribed: Sugar pills.
Doctor: "Take these two tablets three time per day. I am sure that
this new drug will help to ease your condition it should give you
enough energy in a few days to enable you to cope a little better".
Please let me know how you get on.
Scenario Patient is no longer alone because the Doctor at least
appears to care and is observed to be trying to help. The pills
initially stimulate a subtle belief in ones ability to at least make
the effort to try to get up. Immediately the body becomes upright
gravity starts to work its magic by automatically stimulating an
increase in the circulation of fluids throughout the entire
complicated network of tubes and cells of the body. And the longer a
person is in an upright position the more benefits the person
receives from the healing affects of gravity.
Day 1 of the new treatment requires a great deal of effort rewarded
only by an increased level of pain. It is at this point that anger
determination call it what you like takes over from depression
causing an adrenaline rush which compensates for the discomfort. A
bit like a boxer receiving a blow for the first time following blows
appear to be somewhat less painful. Day 2 requires a similar amount of
effort with little obvious benefits except a few more aches and pains
developing from the previous day.
By the end of about two weeks the extra activity has meant that the
fluids are now flowing as they should be more freely throughout all
of the systems within the body. Although aching it becomes apparent
to the patient that they are in fact doing more than they have done
for a long time and the only thing that could possibly be helping are
the pills which are prescribed by the Doctor. Further visits to the
surgery driven by sheer determination to show the improvements which
have already been achieved coupled with a desire to obtain some more
of this wonderful stuff means a further increase in activity and a
breath of fresh air.
Over the following months less time is allocated to the bed and chair
in favour of mobility which means an inevitable increase in exposure
to the beneficial effects that gravity exerts on the circulation. The
depression lifts and sleeping pills are abandoned as a genuine feeling
of tiredness takes over due to the effort subconsciously put in to
proving that 'the pill is mightier than the sores'.
Eventually even the damaged nervous system begins to respond again
simply because gravity opens up the damaged fluid pathways and effects
repairs on the damaged myelin.
The Doctor who sees the improvements knows that the miracle drug does
not exist. A conclusion that either the problem was all in the mind of
the recipient or the placebo somehow fooled the brain into healing
the body is understandably drawn from the evidence. Giving the
illusion for a clear case of mind over matter. The placebo wins
another place in the battle of medical remedies. Andrew K Fletcher
02 July 1998Message Board Title: "INCLINED TO SLEEP INCLINED"

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9 years 6 months ago #130 by Andrew
Four Month Results,Thursday 22-Jul-1999 20:33:03, writes,My
leg feels so much stronger the last 3weeks. I am walking better than I
have since May 1998. At times during the day my knee is really bending
like it should to walk correctly and my foot is actually coming off the
ground which enables me to take REAL STEPS. It has not become
consistent for the entire day yet. I am most pleased with the results
so far. I can actually watch my nail beds continue to heal. ( See
previous post. ) It is amazing! I really like sleeping inclined and
I'm not sure I could go back to sleeping flat. I have been sleeping
this way for 4 months. You should really commit to doing this trial.
It is really working for me. ,Linda,rober...@hpnc.com

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9 years 6 months ago #131 by Andrew
worse?,Tuesday 27-Jul-1999 12:56:23, writes,I have been
doing this since July 6th have noticed no improvement and yesterday was
a scary day I could not do my transfers too weak. Does one get
worse before getting better need to know this is discouraging.
Thanksd. ,angela,asosnow...@sanctum.com

Re: worse?,Monday 2-Aug-1999 01:45:31, writes,Angela
I have sent the information packs to you via two emails. The
information within contains the relevant answers to your question.
As you have not requested this information and indicated in an email to
myself that you have no intention of joining the study but are now
sleeping inclined I urge you to reconsider.
The benefits of joining the study rather than just taking my work and
returning nothing will pay dividends for everyone in the long term.
Due to time constraints Questions not answered in the study forms and
supporting theory sent to me or posted here will be answered when a
person asking them is involved with our study.
I ask you again to share your experiences and join our study.
Kind regards

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 6 months ago #132 by Andrew
Worse before better?,Saturday 7-Aug-1999 19:28:50,
writes,I'd like to know why is it expected that you sometimes get
worse before you get better when sleeping inclined? Thanks. Joan

Re: Worse before better?,Sunday 8-Aug-1999 02:47:26,
writes,Worse before better is certainly not the case with the vast
majority of people involved with this study and you can see some of the
reports here on this magnificent message board which confirm this.
There is an initial adjustment period within the first month. This can
cause backache and a stiff neck. Also muscles may tighten and ache as
if you have been working out.
When a person with a neurological condition like multiple sclerosis or
spinal cord injury is experiencing an increase in pain the person
could perceive that an initial worsening is occurring. However if a
nerve pathway is to become functional it has to carry bad messages as
well as good messages to and from the brain. For example: Personally I
experienced pain in two areas of my mouth and a visit to the dentist
confirmed that there were two cavities below the gum line which had
been there for several years. I asked why I had not experienced pain
before from them and he replied that the nerves in the teeth often
cease to function and this is why people with severely damaged teeth
experience little to no discomfort. He also pointed out that when we
age our taste and smell senses can become less effective due to the
same degenerative processes.
During the pilot study some people found that food began to taste
better than before they began the study. For some this meant an
increase in eating habits and lead to an inevitable weight increase.
If we are truly seeing the reversal of neurological conditions one
should expect some pain before a gain. It might be worth considering
that one could go back through MS by way of a reverse of its onset
which could mean experiencing both positive and negative symptoms
which have not been experienced for several years.
The pilot study showed this to be the case and many people experienced
increased pain and /or spasm tingling pins and needles
hypersensitivity burning and even visual disturbances prior to
regaining either a function or an increase in sensitivity. "This
was also the case with complete spinal cord injury which to all
accounts should not be possible. Four months appears to be the time it
takes for nerves to begin to respond in SCI's and CP MS. I see no
reason why ALS should not follow this pattern.
Unexpected weight gain.
Several of us including myself found that we gained around fourteen
pounds over several years but with a big difference to normal weight
gain our clothes fitted better and even became loose which meant we
had increased in weight but decreased in size. The only reasonable
answer is that the extra weight must have been an increase in fluid
bone and muscle density. This appears to be backed up by experiences
while swimming and one complete recovery by a lady with osteoporosis of
the spine.
Another consideration is that people seldom complain about feeling well
and usually realise on reflection that something has improved. However
if an increase in pain comes along then all focus is usually on the
pain which should pass within a short period.
Some people sleeping on an incline during the pilot study experienced
relapses but there were notable differences by way of a reduction of
severity and duration. It was also noted that previous relapses
resulted in a net loss whereas inclined relapses showed no net loss of
either function or sensitivity.
We are winning this battle! But please send in those vital reports the
war has only just begun!

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 6 months ago #133 by Andrew
Thank You For Your Contribution,Saturday 14-Aug-1999
06:05:34, writes,In January we began this incredible
journey me with the knowledge that we would succeed. All of you began
with a hopefully informed and yet uncertain step into the unknown.
I have never asked the people on this study for a financial
contribution and would not as I am sure that some people would shout
that financial gain is my only real consideration. I am indeed already
the richest person on this planet! I remember lying in bed when I was a
teenager and asking 'If there is a God then please hear that all I
want from life is a wife who loves our two healthy children and me. My
request was answered with interest and I have found complete happiness
and contentment a feeling that no matter what happens we have each
other. This feeling of inner warmth has given me the strength to battle
on with this important discovery.
Today Saturday 14 August 1999 the postman arrived and I found a cheque
with the enclosed letter.
Dear Andrew
This is a contribution to The Gravity Research Project. I want to
commend you for your dedication and pursuit of validation for your
I signed on to add my observations because I firmly believe there are
many facets to science that can add to our health and general benefit.
And I also believe that there are many avenues to knowledge that do not
reside in the "accredited" areas that one might traditionally
I would suggest that your study would fall into the latter category and
is no less valid than work by the medical profession.
Best wishes and keep up the good work.
Name omitted.

These few words mean more to me than you will ever know and the
contribution you enclosed will help me to continue way beyond its face
value. Your generous and selfless act as do all of the reports I
receive signals to me that my work is valued by those who have joined
our study and for this I am eternally in debt to you all.
Although there are no costs for everyone involved with this study
other than running a computer and paying for the Internet Connection
the financial burden this research inflicts on my family is always
there to keep me on my toes. Unfortunately if we are to convince the
allopathic medical world we will need to enlist some professional help
with this study and I doubt there will be anyone willing to give up his
or her time for free. I need help to compile the results in a way that
the evidence cannot be ignored. I have asked Peter Cardy Chairman of
the UK MS Society to provide me with professional assistance and
guidance. Peter assured me that he would visit our message board and
will be in touch. I have also left a message on his voicemail asking
him to allow me to meet with the MS Society.
John Simkins of the Multiple Sclerosis Resource Centre MSRC has
indicated that now that he has retired he will find more time to help
with the study. John compiled the report from the pilot study.
If you could all help me to enlist the support of any such organisation
be it media a charity a government a company or an organisation or
individual it would greatly aid us all in the long term. The best way
to do this is to write to people and ask them to visit the message
board and to contact me at afletc...@gravity.com
I am unable to count the amount of times that someone has said that
they will help so don't let up. "If at first you don't succeed
try and try again". I hope each day that when I download my mail from
the Internet there will be an offer of assistance or even interest from
a professional body who has the resources to see this through to a
I have been asked to provide people with a file containing frequently
asked questions and answers. The message board would provide most of
the data as it continues to bloom. Unfortunately I do not have enough
hours in the day to provide this service which needs to be continually
updated and wander if someone out there would like the job. The zero
pay sucks the hours are flexible but the rewards will be found within
the letters you receive and the friends you will find.
The FAQ report should be posted on our message board each time it is
updated asking Cheryl to replace the previous one with the new one.
Each question and answer should be edited so that it is concise and to
the point and be included in the FAQ in alphabetical order relating to
the keywords of the question.
If you feel you would like to help and wouldn't mind editing
punctuation etc please contact me.
The Gravity of Life:
This is the title I have chosen for my first book which has already
been reviewed by a lady with a B.A.Hons in English. She believes that
it is a best seller. If there are any publishers out there who might be
interested in helping me to publish my book please contact me. If I
could get this book to print it would I am sure solve many of our
problems with achieving recognition.
,Andrew K Fletcher,Grav...@currantbun.com

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 6 months ago #134 by Andrew
Glad to hear you are doing so well!,Saturday 14-Aug-1999
20:47:09, writes,After reading your posting I was so
glad to hear that the inclined bed works for people other than MS
folks! I can tell you that after 6 months my MS seems to be gone. I
hope it never comes back. I look forward to visiting the neurologist
next time so he can see how much difference there is. It would seem
that your symptoms should be obvious to everyone who examines you!
Congratuations on your recovery!! ,Terri,tharri8...@aol.com

Re: Glad to hear you are doing so well!,Friday 19-Nov-1999
15:44:31, writes,Hi Terri
Thanks for your reply things keep getting better all the time.
It is wonderful to learn of your recovery congratulation lets hope it
doesn't return.
Reason for long delay my pc picked up a bug.

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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