40 dollar inclined bed frame ibt 1Inclined Bed Therapy:  Sleeping Inclined To Restore and Support Your Health For Free.  Fascinating Science, Discovery, History and Medical Research In Circulation And Posture, by Andrew K Fletcher.  Read the Success Stories.  Check the Forum.

First and Second Inclined Bed Therapy Pilot Study Results Read Only

2nd Multiple Sclerosis Inclined Bed Therapy IBT Pilot Study Results

9 years 6 months ago #177 by Andrew
18 months and still going strong,Saturday 3-Jun-2000
04:37:09, writes,I have now been sleeping inclined for 18
months apart from a period of 3 days when a rather bad attack of back
pain prompted me to change to flat sleeping. After the second night the
various nightly visits to the bathroom started to reoccur. The bed was
put back to the inclined and the problem was gone. I am still awaiting
improvements with my walking and balance but I am confident they will
improve with diet and exercise as well as the inclined bed As an aside
my wife can't contemplate sleeping on a flat bed in the future. Thank
you Andrew for your patience ,Michael
Info. please,Friday 26-May-2000 12:34:55, writes,Have
just heard about your website. I am SCI level C5 6 7 incomplete 20
months ago. Could I get some more info please. Do I simply raise the
head of my bed by 6 - 8 inches? ,Linda Wright,linmarwri...@aol.com

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 6 months ago #178 by Andrew
Re: raising the bed helps ?,Wednesday 28-Jun-2000 16:15:00,
writes,Hello Mike I also had horrendous phantom pains for several
years I also would have tried anything and did raise my bed head eight
inches the first night the pains ceased and I had a wonderful nights
sleep. There were no pains at all for about two months then I got
really bad pains which sometimes lasted for a couple of days but these
were not phantom pains but nerve regeneration pains they came at
varying times usually about a week apart they went in the reverse of
the original pains but after about two years there is feeling and a lot
of movement in both legs. I it was not for the muscles between the
knees and the buttocks being weak I am sure I could walk.
I lowered my bed to six inches and it felt as though my feet were in a
bucket of red ants. so I raised it up to eight inches and that feeling
I wish you all the very best stick with it and I am sure you will get
John ,John Cann,

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9 years 6 months ago #179 by Andrew
Re: Just Starting,Thursday 3-Aug-2000 13:13:22,
writes,Just Starting Saturday 29-Jul-2000 13:00:27
I will be sleeping on my newly adjusted bed tonight for the time. I
first heard about this two days ago and know nothing but what I read
here. If someone could send any additional information I will need I
would appreciate it. All I know is to raise my bed 6 inches at the
head. I have ms. I am a quadriplegic. I will try almost anything within
reason at this time. If this doesn't work all I have to do is lower
my bed. I'm very excited wish me luck.
Hi Peggy
Welcome on board and I wish you every success for the future as I am
sure everyone does.
You have a long way to go so be patient and never sleep flat not even
for a few hours as this will slow the regeneration process down
About three years ago I tried to convince a very good friend of mine
from school to try this he sustained a spinal cord injury following a
motorcycle accident. I could not reach his positive attitude.
I asked him to contact John Cann and ask him how much he had regained.
John managed to convince him where I had failed and within five weeks
of sleeping inclined he woke and for the first time in many years he
felt that he had legs attached to his body and knew where they were.
He also noticed a draught on his legs while sitting next to the window
and finds that he somehow feels fitter and stronger. Early days for
Steve but he now knows that this is not an empty promise and will stick
it out for as long as it takes.
I took the video of john Cann walking on Carlton Television News
(albeit local news) and I definitely saw a tear in his eyes.
To help a friend in need to overcome what everyone else says is
impossible gives one such a tremendous feeling of warmth. To hear him
thanking me for not giving up on him was priceless.
Peggy I would like to say thank you for posting this and letting
everyone share your challenge.
Respectfully yours

Re: Just Starting,Tuesday 8-Aug-2000 17:52:54, writes,Hello
Congratulations on your decision to sleep inclined. It is a great tool
to help us all deal with the challenges MS brings. Do be patient with
yourself and let us know how you are doing.
Betty ,Betty Iams,bia...@san.rr.com
raising the bed helps ?,Wednesday 7-Jun-2000 16:26:18,
writes,this sounds like it could be a very exciting discovery..
please send me details..
I am tetraplegic (C5/6 complee) since a RTA six years ago. I'm
willing to try anything that may help.
I suffer from water retention irritable bowel un-satisfying sleep;
and a lot of pain and discomfort from 'phantom' pains. This looks
like just the sort of thing that might work. All relevant info.
gratefully recieved...
makan...@netscapeonline.co.uk ,Mike,makan...@netscapeonline.co.uk

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 6 months ago #180 by Andrew
Ready to tilt!,Saturday 29-Jul-2000 19:34:19, writes,I
am so excited-I have spent the day (with some help from family)
tilting my pedestal bed to an incline of EXACTLY 6 inches-After
reading all the testimonials on this board I am looking forward to
seeing the results. I have been diagnosed for over 11 years and I
hope this new position will help me to wake up more refreshed and less
depressed. I do struggle so with depression and waking up with it is
the pits! I can't seem to tolerate any synthetic anti-depresants so
I hope this will be my heaven-sent answer! I get a lot of "pressure
type" headaches feeling a fullness at times that I hope will be
diminished. Thanks Andrew-and thanks to all those who help support
Andrew and people new to this concept! ,Sharon,

Re: Ready to tilt!,Tuesday 8-Aug-2000 17:50:33, writes,Hi
I'm so glad you are starting to sleep inclined. Andrew has given
those of us who deal with the challenges MS can bring a great new tool.
Be patient with yourself. Some respond with improvement rapidly
while for others it is more slow or subtle. May I suggest you consider
St. John's Wort herb for your depression. It works for many people
with that problem. ,Betty Iams,bia...@san.rr.com

Re: Ready to tilt!,Friday 25-Aug-2000 13:58:59,
writes,Sharon I also had major depression and nothing but problems
with all the drugs. I found the amino acid tryptophan worked
wonders. I started with 1000mg and worked up to 5000mg. It did wonders
for me. Good luck. Arlene ,arlene,arldav...@aol.com
Just Starting,Saturday 29-Jul-2000 12:00:27, writes,I
will be sleeping on my newly adjusted bed tonight for the time. I
first heard about this two days ago and know nothing but what I read
here. If someone could send any additional information I will need I
would appreciate it. All I know is to raise my bed 6 inches at the
head. I have ms. I am a quadriplegic. I will try almost anything
within reason at this time. If this doesn't work all I have to do is
lower my bed. I'm very excited wish me luck.

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 6 months ago #181 by Andrew
I am inclined for one night. I was surprised at the cooperative spirit
which I encountered. ,Tuesday 1-Aug-2000 13:39:20,
writes,Andrew and all I appreciate the E-Mailed information which you
sent. Ron and I worked dilligently to get the right support he screwed
three short 2x4's onto each end of a 5 foot 2x4 for a total height of
6 & ¼ inch head support we then stood one 5 foot 2x4 next on the
4"high side and another toward the bottom on it's 2"high side. I
had a wonderful first night's sleep. I got up to void and found the
volume to be more than usual. I and the bedding did slip but it
wasn't uncomfortable. I am doing the Histamine and Caffeine cream. B
12 and Supplements of 1000 Magnesium and others as needed as well as
the low saturated fat and using Essential Fatty Acids like fish oil and
Flax oil. I do not use Margarine unsturated shortning or transfatty
acids. I am getting clearer in my mind and believe inclining will be a
great aid in repairing the damaged nerve pathways. I think the incline
has already energized my hair although I have strong hair it was
standing erect when I woke up this morning. Is this usual? It looks
like it has more life and is thicker. I would like to participate in
the study. Tell me where to get the forms. Thank you so much Andrew
for this information. And thank you especially for being inteligent
enough to figure it all our. I nominate you to be our Nerve Growth
Angel. I will continue to incline because you have explained it so
well. ,Marlene Wa.,mlehan...@msn.com

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 6 months ago #182 by Andrew
Tuesday 01-Aug-2000
I think this could be a big part of the answer to spinal cord damage as
well as the diseases which attack the mylin and nerves. I have found a
way to remove the symptoms of MS. I am using EFA's lowfat diet
supplements and the Histamine and Cream Formula as outlined at
www.insidetheweb.com/mbs.cgi/mb1086423 I am symptom free
except when I over do it. I think the Histamine formula helps the
nerve's to relay messages better. My supplements are helping to
repair current damage and get rid of the toxins. Thank you again Andrew
I know this will help to relive damage.
Marlene Wa.
Hi Marlene
Thank you for posting this.
I have been trying to gain support and interest from Christopher Reeve
since 1995. Many times I have tried to contact him and to-date he has
not responded.
Christopher Reeve's Agents are
Scott Henderson William Morris Agency 151 El Camino Drive Beverly
Hills CA90 212 USA Tel 001 310 274 7451 phoning from UK Fax 001 310
859 4462
********** Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation . 500 Morris Avenue
Springfield NJ 07081 (800)225-0292

From: Maura Hofstadter <mhofs...@uci.edu> Dear Mr. Fletcher I
spoke with the Center Director and Board. The policy of the
Reeve-Irvine Research Center is that we fund Center researchers'
programs which are primary investigator (PI) -driven programs. Unless
a PI has the time interest and is convinced by the preliminary data
to pursue a collaboration we simply cannot undertake the research.
Unfortunately our budget does not allow us to support extramural
research at this time. As we discussed none of the PI in the Center
are currently working with humans and so we cannot pursue your project
at this time. The Board felt that this project is largely a clinical
issue and creating an appropriate animal model would be quite
You may want to try collaborating with a corporation on your idea as
there is already an industry out there in "Rotorest" (See: Kinetic
Concepts Inc.) beds for SCI persons (i.e. beds that people are
strapped into that are movable without manipulation of the patient) to
help prevent pressure sores and improve circulation. These can be
tilted in many different directions including head-elevated. Given
that they have and make the equipment they may be interested in
working with you to demonstrate your theory.
I am sorry that the Center is not able to pursue research in this area
at this time but wish you the very best of luck with your research.
Sincerely Maura Hofstadter Ph.D. Director of Education and
Scientific Liaison Reeve-Irvine Research Center University of
California Irvine 2109 GNRF Irvine CA 92697-4292 (949)824-3993
(949)824-2625 fax
Dear Mrs Hofstadter
How do you feel about this decision?
When I spoke with you you seemed very interested if I misinterpreted
the way you received the information please forgive me.
I am aware of the multiple tilt beds and also aware of the confusion
this rotation of patients places on the chances of nerve regeneration.
In my letter to you I mentioned funding from the International Spinal
Research Trust who would undoubtedly meet the costs of employing more
staff. All we need is a two page letter of intent.
Would you afford me a little of your time and tell me how you feel
about this possibility (raised Bed) in helping people with spinal cord
injuries? How you interpreted the information I sent to you would be
of immense value to me and if you could share your views and any
doubts you may have I could at least try to understand why doors slam
in my face so frequently.
Please respond
Andrew Fletcher
Response Dear Mr. Fletcher As I indicated over the phone and in my
email it is up to the Board and the Director. Their policy is to
conduct research that is of specific interest to professors here at
the Center. Unfortunately at this time none of the investigators in
the Center are working with humans and so your project is really
outside what we are currently doing. Further all of the Center people I
spoke with felt that your project while interesting would be better
conducted in a hospital or rehabilitation facility where clinical
research is an every day occurrence. For us to undertake this type of
project would be difficult as we do not currently have access to
patient populations or facilities to conduct this type of controlled
study. As for an animal correlate the researchers all felt that it
would be difficult in the extreme to allow the animals to ambulate and
maintain a 5 degree elevation.
I'm afraid that until you have evidence from a well conducted
controlled study you will have difficulty. Your evidence is compelling
but anecdotal. For most scientists to take any idea seriously you
must have significant statistical data that you can present and
replicate. My best advise to you is to look for a hospital surgeon
or rehabilitation facility with the patient population to collaborate
with. Once you have data from a well controlled good study people
will readily accept your theory and bring it into mainstream therapy.
I am sorry that the Center cannot help you at this time but I do wish
you the best of luck in finding the right partner for your project.
Sincerely Maura Hofstadter Ph.D. Director of Education and
Scientific Liaison Reeve-Irvine Research Center University of
California Irvine 2109 GNRF Irvine CA 92697-4292 (949)824-3993
(949)824-2625 fax

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 6 months ago #183 by Andrew
Hey Superman check this out. Christopher Reed the Actor who played
Superman was paralized in a equsiterian event of jumping several years
ago. I know he is looking for a cure to come from the researchers. We
could contact him with this information. Does anyone know his
Tuesday 1-Aug-2000 I think this
could be a big part of the answer to spinal cord damage as well as the
diseases which attack the mylin and nerves. I have found a way to
remove the symptoms of MS. I am using EFA's lowfat diet supplements
and the Histamine and Cream Formula as outlined at

I am symptom free
except when I over do it. I think the Histamine formula helps the
nerve's to relay messages better. My supplements are helping to
repair current damage and get rid of the toxins. Thank you again Andrew
I know this will help to relive damage. ,Marlene Wa.,mlehan...@msn.com

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 6 months ago #184 by Andrew
Pharmacist shows interest in gravity,Saturday 5-Aug-2000
I had attended a conference where a
pharmacist was invited to speak about the drugs used for MS management.
I shared all the gravity research data with him and he seemed to be
truly interested.
This letter came from him a few days later...

I enjoyed meeting you last week at the NMSS Moving Forward conference.
I wanted to thank you for the information you had given me regarding
the role of gravity and the suggestion of elevating the head of the bed
to prevent stagnation of fluid in the brain. I forwarded the
information to the pharmacists I work with and asked if they had heard
any responses from the MS community. They have not heard anything but
were impressed with the hypothesis of the data.
Dominic Marchese RPh Athena Rx Home Pharmacy 1-800-5-ATHENA
,Terri Harrison,THarri8...@aol.com

Re: Pharmacist shows interest in gravity,Sunday 13-Aug-2000
Pharmacist shows interest in gravity
Saturday 05-Aug-2000
I had attended a conference where a pharmacist was invited to speak
about the drugs used for MS management. I shared all the gravity
research data with him and he seemed to be truly interested.
This letter came from him a few days later...
I enjoyed meeting you last week at the NMSS Moving Forward conference.
I wanted to thank you for the information you had given me regarding
the role of gravity and the suggestion of elevating the head of the bed
to prevent stagnation of fluid in the brain. I forwarded the
information to the pharmacists I work with and asked if they had heard
any responses from the MS community. They have not heard anything but
were impressed with the hypothesis of the data.
Dominic Marchese RPh Athena Rx Home Pharmacy 1-800-5-ATHENA

Terri Harrison
Hi Terri
Thank you for posting this. We need more professional people taking an
interest in our discovery. Everyone of us has a Dr or Consultant or a
therapist or a pharmacy so come on you guys let them know what is
happening in this corner of the net.
Try printing out some reports from this message board and ask them to
read them. Write to hospitals attend meetings like Terri did and talk
to people about what we are doing hear.
If each and everyone of us contributed a little more effort towards
promoting the inclined bed therapy the burden of struggling alone for
so long would be gone for ever and literally millions of people would
be benefiting from this simple free therapy.
We now have the full support of many professional people and many
more doors could be opened with a little persuasion.

Science Fair Project,Saturday 5-Aug-2000
I was diagnosed with MS 2/99 and have been sleeping inclined
since then. It has helped but I didn't understand the scientific
principles behind it...it just worked!
My 11 year old daughter was facinated with my bed and wanted to find
out more about WHY it worked. Andrew Fletcher had sent information
about trees and gravity but my simple little brain didn't quite get
the point. My daughter Jennifer took Andrew's experiment (which he
did with large cliffs) and simplified it to be done on a table top.
The experiment showed that water can be forced to flow UP hill using
the power of gravity. She had two glasses and rubber tubing between
them elevated in the middle / She injected saline (salt water) into
the tube near the top. The heavier salt water flowed down (gravity
pulls solids down) BUT at the same time the tube carried water from the
"sending" cup UP the tube! [scientific principle - for every action
(water flowing down) there is an equal and opposite reaction (water
flowing UP)] Simple experiment that shows how powerful gravity can be!
Note: Same experiment works on a much bigger scale!!
People who saw her experiment were surprised to see that it truly
worked. Andrew told us that to his knowledge no one on "our side
of the pond" has tried to re-create his experiment. It was a simple
but powerful way to SHOW why the inclined bed can help the body's
cirulcation in such an astonishing way!
For more info about Andrew's experiments contact him directly. He
seems to KNOW what he's talking about!
,Terri Harrison,tharri8...@aol.com

Re: Science Fair Project,Sunday 13-Aug-2000
writes,Science Fair Project Saturday 05-Aug-2000

I was diagnosed with MS 2/99 and have been sleeping inclined since
then. It has helped but I didn't understand the scientific
principles behind it...it just worked!
My 11 year old daughter was facinated with my bed and wanted to find
out more about WHY it worked. Andrew Fletcher had sent information
about trees and gravity but my simple little brain didn't quite get
the point. My daughter Jennifer took Andrew's experiment (which he
did with large cliffs) and simplified it to be done on a table top.
The experiment showed that water can be forced to flow UP hill using
the power of gravity. She had two glasses and rubber tubing between
them elevated in the middle / She injected saline (salt water) into
the tube near the top. The heavier salt water flowed down (gravity
pulls solids down) BUT at the same time the tube carried water from the
"sending" cup UP the tube! [scientific principle - for every action
(water flowing down) there is an equal and opposite reaction (water
flowing UP)] Simple experiment that shows how powerful gravity can be!
Note: Same experiment works on a much bigger scale!!
People who saw her experiment were surprised to see that it truly
worked. Andrew told us that to his knowledge no one on "our side of
the pond" has tried to re-create his experiment. It was a simple but
powerful way to SHOW why the inclined bed can help the body's
cirulcation in such an astonishing way!
For more info about Andrew's experiments contact him directly. He
seems to KNOW what he's talking about!

Terri Harrison
Hi Terri
As Far as I am aware your Daughter is the only person to have repeated
the tubular experiments which in its self is astonishing. If an eleven
year old can set up and perform the experiment at a school science fair
the question arises as to why so many people couldn't be bothered to
investigate the claims of gravity driven circulation for themselves.
In November 1997 My eldest son Jason Penny Meredith and David Green
attended the London International Inventions Fair. We set up our
Inclined Bed Information Centre Including a King-size Divan and
invited people to have a rest. We won a Gold Award and had the second
largest prize The prize for the Invention which would generate the
most employment throughout the World.
While we were there we set up a drip bag filled with blood coloured
saline solution and an intricate network of tubes and bladder wash bags
which were intended to show how heavy salt laden liquids are excreted
in the urine.
Literally thousands of people witnessed the experiment and were allowed
to release pulses of red liquid from the drip bag via a drip control
valve. Not a single person had any doubt about the validity of the
experiment. Many Dr's Scientists and Inventors were fascinated by the
simplicity of the experiments. Several high-ranking representatives of
Countries were impressed.
Gravity driven circulation is not a science theory in fact it never
was. It is a science fact! A new scientific truth! A new Paradigm for
all to see.
Thank you Terri for all you have done for me.
Respectfully Yours
Andrew K Fletcher

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 6 months ago #185 by Andrew
A week away (during vacation trip) from inclined bed PROVES to me it
works!!!!,Sunday 13-Aug-2000
Well having to sleep flat for one week proves to me this works. I have a
problem with a slouching posture as well as a TMJ problem that
requires me to sleep with a mouth splint. I believe however that I
am "chewing" on my splint during the night which causes me to
awaken with a terrible headache in the base of my skull. This morning
(my first day back to my inclined bed) I decided to remove the splint
lie in my bed without it attempting to relieve the headache. I felt
that gravity would be pulling my lower jaw down-when I lay down on my
bed without the splint I could FEEL the musclesl around my neck and
shoulders releasing. I slept for almost three more hours awoke
(without the splint remember) with NO MORE headache. I also believe
my posture is straightening which makes me very happy. Thank you
Andrew-how about we all get together next summer in England for a
type of convention/celebration! Let us know where and when so we can
begin saving up for the airfare! Anyone game for that? ,sharon,

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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