40 dollar inclined bed frame ibt 1Inclined Bed Therapy:  Sleeping Inclined To Restore and Support Your Health For Free.  Fascinating Science, Discovery, History and Medical Research In Circulation And Posture, by Andrew K Fletcher.  Read the Success Stories.  Check the Forum.

Varicose Veins & Oedema Results Using Inclined Bed Therapy (IBT) "Raising the head end of the bed by six inches"

Varicose Vein Oedema Inclined Bed Therapy Study Alternative to Surgery

9 years 10 months ago #235 by Andrew

14/07/2008 19:46:36 »

Dad's bed has been inclined now for 3 days. The swelling has almost disappeared in his feet, his face is starting to turn back to it's normal shade and he's not using the oxygen nearly as much.

I had planned on inclining my bed when I get home from Georgia in the hopes that it may help with the pain of the Fibromyalgia and possibly will help hubby's night leg pains, but after looking at mom and dad's bed, I'm not so sure hubby's going to go for it. The feet of their bed was already 6 inches off the the ground and then we raised it another 6 inches. That's a pretty steep incline....erhm...I would think that would make sex a little difficult!


14/07/2008 22:06:31 »

Andrew, me and socks are a saga! Lol Pet hate is the ones that slide off into my wellies or boots, and I detest cold feet. Finding the balance between ones that stay up without too much pressure and yet don't end up in my boots is a mission impossible, I believe. Going to remove the elastic from my track suit bottoms, though.

Carolyn, I have it on good authority (from my goddaughter) that inclining the bed 6" at the head end seems to give her husband extra 'energy' in that department! wink Mind you, they have been known to raise the height of the kitchen table and experiment... roll eyes Whatever, she has told me that the bed they bought recently, and inclined, has brought a whole new dimension to their love life, even though they've retained their old waterbed, too! The elderly uncle who lives with them is talking about needing a holiday so that he can get some undisturbed sleep... wink

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 10 months ago #236 by Andrew
15/07/2008 12:01:37 »
Hi Andrew

The incline bed therapy is going great at the moment, knee pain that i had for a long time is not requiring pain killers, only needed them once last week. i normally take them approx 4-5 times a week especially when the hay fever season is here, as that normally sets it off.

My varicose veins are not giving me any probs, and now do not require the leg socks for support.

I have just took some pictures of my thigh again, and i will be adding them soon.

The only side effect i have had, is the swollen gland that that i have on the right side, between my groin in the crease that is where my thigh starts,( in the middle).

It has not increased in size, but a doctor who is getting some feedback from me on the phone tomorrow said i could ask him any questions about that then. (i may need to go in to verify it maybe)

The biggest vv is on the right side and also my body is fighting off the knee pains that i normally have more on that knee, aswell as having hay fever. It sort of makes sense that my gland would be swollen when trying to deal with such a change in the body.

I am also experiencing the first signs of my knee pain sometimes, then it just goes. When this has happened in the past it would come back worse, but this is not happening.

What do you think?


Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 10 months ago #237 by Andrew
15/07/2008 12:30:06 »

I'm find it really interesting reading your posts and progress, Alun. Like you, I too have hayfever, but it's a few days now since I've felt the need to take antihistamines, despite the pollen count rising.

Today my stats are:

BP 113/81
Body Fat: 49.7%;
Body Water: 35.1%;
Body Muscle: 47.3%;
Respiration 9 per min.
Calves: Left 40cms; Right: 40cms.
Weight: 14st 11.4lbs.

No changes in suppliments.
No aspirin taken today.

Minimal, low grade aching L4 - S1 spinal region.

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 10 months ago #238 by Andrew
16/07/2008 22:49:13 »

Well done, to your son, Alun. happy

I don't know about your legs getting sexier, but that vein certainly looks to be reducing steadily. grin

My GP and the consultant at the cancer hospital are both showing an interest in the changes I've been noticing since commencing the IBT. I'm hoping that, by the time I next see the GP my veins and oedema will really leap out at him by their lack of presence.

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 10 months ago #239 by Andrew
Quote from: Carolyn on 14/07/2008 19:46:36
Dad's bed has been inclined now for 3 days. The swelling has almost disappeared in his feet, his face is starting to turn back to it's normal shade and he's not using the oxygen nearly as much.

I had planned on inclining my bed when I get home from Georgia in the hopes that it may help with the pain of the Fibromyalgia and possibly will help hubby's night leg pains, but after looking at mom and dad's bed, I'm not so sure hubby's going to go for it. The feet of their bed was already 6 inches off the the ground and then we raised it another 6 inches. That's a pretty steep incline....erhm...I would think that would make sex a little difficult!

Hi Carolyn
Thank you for posting this report on your dad's progress using Inclined Bed Therapy. I am currently corresponding with 10 Downing Street, My M.P Adrian Sanders and the National Health Service in a bid to have this study mirrored in a controlled environment.
I hope that some of them are taking on board what is happening here.

You may find that IBT has an aphrodisiac affect too if you get my drift. Furthermore my wife and I can personally testify to having a healthy active sex life sleeping on an incline.

Fibromialgia should respond well to IBT

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 10 months ago #240 by Andrew
20/07/2008 12:23:15 »
While in the bath last night, I had the chance to really look at those varicose veins - both the three little knobbly ones on the left leg and the longer one below my right knee. There are three distinct little depressions now over the ones on the left, and a depressed channel over the one on the right! My camera seems to be broken, else I'd have taken more photos. The shape of my left leg seems to have altered considerably, too.

Not done stats, as I'm full of a cold and chest infection, so feeling really crappy at the moment. However, so far, the coughing and sneezing hasn't caused my back to pop out of place in the thoracic region, which usually happens and then triggers the muscle spasms. The pains in my lumber spine seem to be easing off now, too.

Karen W.
I am sure sorry you are so sick right now.. sending good thoughts and lots of hugs.. feel better soon!

Glad your back has not spasmed either sounds like the incline is working wonders!

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 10 months ago #241 by Andrew
Posts: 1

20/07/2008 15:32:53 »

I started IBT about six weeks ago - was painting my bed base and didn't want to set it on the carpet, so I put a couple 3" blocks under the head. Went to bed that night and forgot the blocks were there. When I slept all night without getting up for the toilet runs, I wondered why - woke up at 5:30 AM and couldn't believe that I had slept straight through - haven't done that for about 30 years.

So, I did some research on the Internet and found Andrew Fletcher's information. So, I am now a "convert" -- currently at 4 inches, on the way up to 6" eventually. Main benefits - sleeping soundly all night; no coughing at night anymore; only get up once and the varicose veins are disappearing. They weren't bad, but, at 68, I did have some minor issues in that department. But, they are disappearing gradually. My wife has had varicose vein problems for years, so I'm watching to see what happens with her. She recently had some "work" done, so they were subsiding as a result of that, but I'll be watching to see if they stay away.

My son has sleep apnea problems and he just started (at 3") -- some improvement the first night -- will monitor that closely.

all for now...

Escondido, California

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9 years 10 months ago #242 by Andrew
21/07/2008 09:54:26 »
Hi Members

Glad to see so many people gaining from the inclined bed therapy.

When i first started the inclined bed therapy (a month tomorrow), andrew mentioned the fact you could get further benefit if needed it through the day when using a certain type of rest for your legs. This type of resting had to be placed below the knee, so that the knee is higher than the foot when resting.

So i had to mention a rest that i am using that gives me a boost during the day and you can place it under tables and when you are watching TV, or on the computer etc.

I just had to tell all of you, as i think it is a great way of using this type of rest, and it feels great.

I am using a bean bag that is scrupled into a ball then, i sit slightly stretched out and place my feet in the middle, not only does it feel great, it keeps your feet warm.

This method it also easier to place under tables as well.

It has even stopped my knee pains coming on, when they have been starting.

Hope andrew approoves of this method

alun grin

Sitting with your seat higher than your knees so there is a gentle slope down to your feet will give maximum benefits. Placing a pillow under the knee is suggested by the medical profession not myself.

In my opinion it will serve to slow down circulation and increase backpressure causing a blow out in the veins above the knee and may be responsible for the bulge in your groin area. I have posted a link to a video about blowouts (bulges) on the first page of this thread for you and others.


Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 10 months ago #243 by Andrew
22/07/2008 09:41:35 »
Hi Andrew

I did do the test that we discussed as seen on the video you posted, and it is a blowout.

I am glad that mystery has been verified, i had it in my head that it was a swollen gland.

Anyway, 1 month into ibt and things are looking very incouraging.

knee pains needed pain killers 4 times
(This has never happened as few times, especially in hay fever season.)
Noticeable changes in the look and feel of varicose veins, as well as no aching from them. and i am still not wearing the support sock that i have always relied on.

I am still keeping a diary, and the pictures going. So that i have a full record of everything that happens.

Please have a look at my pictures below showing the first months results on the right thigh.

Thanks alun

My experience has been that, when volunteers are doing the incline bed therapy, for the first week they should take into account that the vein sometimes has a bigger reaction in the first week, before settling down to a constant improvement. Don't be put off by the fact that you might have a period of minor change at this point, and be discouraged about carrying on with it. I have found that the width and the feel has also been a big part of the improvement, and this can someimes be very hard to document on a photo.

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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