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increased salts in urine--why is this good?

8 years 6 months ago #1236 by Kuma
Hi all,

I'm just curious about something--everyone seems to be assuming that it's a good thing to wake up with urine that is more concentrated with salts. Why? Maybe this is a bad thing to lose more salts than when laying in other positions? What makes it a good thing?


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8 years 6 months ago #1237 by Andrew
Replied by Andrew on topic increased salts in urine--why is this good?
The density increase in urine was predicted using IBT. A simple test determined it was increased over that of normal bed rest and that head down bed rest, lowered density to near water readings, indicating that kidneys were not filtering as they should.
The following article may help you to determine which is better or worse, though, there are many variables with different medical conditions.
Reasons Why Your Pet’s Urine Specific Gravity Reading Could Be High :
A normal or high urine specific gravity usually indicates that your pet’s kidneys are working well. But it can also be high if your pet has developed diabetes that has allowed sugar to leak into its urine or when the protein content of the urine is abnormally high.

Reasons Why Your Pet’s Urine Specific Gravity Reading Could Be Low :
Persistently low urine specific gravity in your dog or cat is more common, and potentially more worrisome than high specific gravity. In older pets, it is often the first sign (along with increased water consumption = polydipsia) that their kidneys are failing. Persistently low urine specific gravity is called isosthenuric urine (1.008-1.012). That urine is more or less the same concentration (osmolality) as the pet’s blood plasma and it means that the pet’s kidneys can neither concentrate nor dilute urine once it has initially formed. Those pets are usually azotemic as well.

What clinched it for me was my Father's kidneys had stopped functioning in Hospital and his urine was brown with blood and more like tar than urine. Tilting his bed reversed this problem and his kidneys functioned normally again. Despite being told his kidneys would never recover.

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!
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8 years 6 months ago #1238 by Kuma
So are you suggesting that sleeping tilted maximizes the function of the kidneys?

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8 years 6 months ago #1241 by Andrew
Replied by Andrew on topic increased salts in urine--why is this good?
Our kidneys function well when we are upright. The same cannot be said for laying horizontal or indeed laying head down. NASA have invested $ millions in researching bed rest to study how the body degenerates and yes how it impairs renal function, causing bones to decalcify and form stones in kidneys, gall bladder etc.
As I said, my Fathers kidneys began to work normally after his bed was inclined in hospital and after we were told they would never function again as he had multiple organ failure and was near to death. bmcphysiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1472-6793-11-17

At the London International Inventions fair 1997, I set up an elaborate network of tubes and two bags filled with water. A drip feed was added to the top of the circulation experiment and people where invited to release a tiny pulse of coloured salt solution at the top vie a T junction. This ran for the weekend and hundreds of people, including doctors and scientists were convinced by the results: The bolus of salty water flowed down causing a return flow in the opposing side. The first bag the salty water flowed through another T junction representing the renal filtration, where the coloured and now diluted water flowed to the bottom and clean water flowed from this bag through another bag representing the bladder and a catheter bag was used, which afforded a valve and tube for emptying intermittently from the bottom to remove the salts. This showed how salts are filtered by the kidneys and how they require gravity in the optimum direction for filtration to take place and indeed this fits with NASA Posture research and microgravity space flight.

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!
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8 years 6 months ago #1243 by Kuma
The experiment you describe here is interesting--more interesting than the experiments showing the theory of sap circulating in trees. I would think that it would be necessary to do a similar experiment showing that circulation does NOT happen while the tubing is horizontal, and even more interesting would be to see what happens when the tubing is at a 5 degree angle. Maybe a complete recreation of the renal system is not possible with plastic tubing, and this would be understandable, but for the skeptical, this would certainly close the gap on the assumptions that are glaring here. No offense intended--I am very interested in your theory, and I am willing to give credit for anectdotal evidence. It's just that in everything I have read about IBT the last week or so, I keep having this feeling that there's something missing in the theory. For example, you say that many animals tend to sleep upright or on an incline, but this is not convincing to me because I've seen cows, for example, sleep horizontal most of the time. Just because they are sometimes sleeping on an uphill slope, that could be a matter of convenience. Other animals like birds seem to be "built" for sleeping upright, and it would never seem logical for me to mimic them. I hope this post is not offensive. You seem to be quite interested in real science. I am only giving you my reactions as a stranger who has discovered your theories and has a true interest in them.
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8 years 6 months ago #1245 by Paul
Hi Kuma,
Since starting IBT a year ago I have no longer any issues whatsoever with frequent urination. I used to be up a couple of times a night despite not drinking liquids before bedtime. This was a big thing that IBT changed in me and I didn't realize this until many months later - its one of the basic problems with IBT in that you never attribute the improvements you get with such a simple idea as raising the bed, and I have been guilty of this myself.

My belief is the increased salts in the urine are simply due to increased kidney function and general increased body function via IBT. I believe its the improved efficiency of the kidneys that is causing the urine to be more nutritionally dense, simply because the blood is more nutritionally dense itself because of improved body function generally...if the blood is nutritionally dense, and the urine is essentially our blood without the red blood cells, then it makes sense the urine will indeed be more saturated than normal. Frequent urination before will result in less frequency afterwards but only to normal levels. Things will no doubt work differently for individuals but I am only stating how it has affected myself.

I think the circulation is one reason IBT is working, but also back traction can never be underestimated and I personally think the angle of the bed is allowing the traction to release pressure on some of the nerves of the spine...its well known that the nerves of the spine are vital for correct digestion and general function of the body, and without them communicating at full power, there are going to be issues with certain organs not getting a clear message. We are basically one big walking biological electrical computer, and our nerves are like the electrical wires providing delicate information to the organs which can be likened to components, and if the electrical signal delivered to those organs is not strong enough or garbled, then the organs will not receive correct instruction. That is one way a chiropractor put it and it makes some sense to me.
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8 years 6 months ago #1250 by Kuma
Wow, I'm sorry to hear what you went through to discover this solution, and I'm glad it is working for you. After watching these videos, I'm quite sure that this is my issue, and I will have to get over to my chiropractor.

What perplexes me is why is IBT causing this? To be quite honest, I'm beginning to wonder why I'm doing this to myself. My sleep was not even good before, but it's much worse now, and now I have daytime chest pains on top of it, and now 3 days of non-stop eyelid twitching. I feel like I'm going to go out of my mind!

Are there some people who press through and then finally give up, declaring that it did not work for them? How long should I do this for? My family is not very happy with me, so there's a lot of emotional cost here. What can I tell them to ease their minds?

Thank you again for your kind responses.

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8 years 6 months ago - 8 years 6 months ago #1251 by Paul
After speaking with a few chiropractors and other people about these back issues, I am now very certain the main reason why these pains happen with IBT is because of the traction...

The very fact your eyelids are twitching is a HUGE sign that IBT is is performing a mild type of chiropractic adjustment to your spine and freeing up the pressure of your nerves, and this does cause eye twitching. Hopefully it will go away soon. This is not something to be afraid of and proves IBT is actually trying to correct a very obvious back problem you clearly have not known about for a long time. I can understand how it could be alarming but you should continue with IBT.

I would suggest however that you may want to start off with a reduced angle than you currently have, and work up to your current angle over the next few weeks. This will ease you more gently into IBT.

Let me explain first about the traction as I understand it because this is very important for your back issues.

The raised slope bed allows gravity to push us down towards the bottom of the bed, but because of the friction of the mattress there is traction being applied to the spine. When this happens its a mild form of chiropractic adjustment (my belief) and likely causing gentle "UNkinking" of problem areas (subluxations) of the spine.

While this is providing relief of pressure of the nerves running down the spine, it also forces the muscles running alongside the spine to begin knotting up and this is the true reason for the aches as I understand it. At this stage you need to gently but firmly break up those muscles via someone doing deep thumb massages into those tight muscles running alongside your spine...Rewatch the videos again because they are very good and also read the youtube text associated with those videos...and the comment section has great replies.

Normally when we lay down and relax, our back muscles either side of our spine should be completely relaxed, but when we have back issues (subluxations) these muscles are overly tight as they are compensating or holding the position of that subluxation and have been for years. When you correct the spinal problem with chiropractic sessions (or in this case IBT), the muscles also need to be "reprogrammed" to keep with the new position of the fixed spine, but this is the possible "missing" part of IBT, in that the muscle aches are not being catered for, and need to be in order for the new adjustment to be permanent.

Because IBT has brought out a definite back problem with you, I would suggest you visit either a chiropractor or osteopath or even a physiotherapist, and even possibly a good massage therapist...I would personally continue with IBT but look at including one of the above to eradicate any immediate subluxation issues of your spine.

Watch those video links again that I gave in the other thread beacuse I have just watched them again myself and they are damn spot on...Steve August has a brilliant way of explaining something that is a nightmare for most people to deal with. Take particular note to his mention of the need to see to the muscle issues surrounding the spine and ribs connecting to the spine, because that is the key for sustained relief and to resolve this issue...Also note his daily exercises in his video which are outlined in his youtube text accompanying his video.

Regards family. You are going to be on a major journey when trying to resolve your own issues and unfortunately your family are going to be your BIGGEST resistance to your progress....They mean well but they are probably very much like my own and thus completely uneducated when it comes to health...their belief is your doctor has all the answers and they think you should only take his advice and also the drugs he wants you on for life...

I respect my own doctors but they are really only there to save the patients who are potentially at risk from critical problems that can lead to death, and because of this they put people like us with chronic issues as last on their priority because we are not at risk of sudden death, and its really that simple.

Hope that explains things.
Last edit: 8 years 6 months ago by Paul. Reason: eyes changed to eyelids
The following user(s) said Thank You: Kuma

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8 years 6 months ago #1252 by Paul
Found something regards eye twitching and chiropractic session...Hopefully this is the only reason for your eyelids twitching and its not necessarily a bad sign...

Fast forward to 6 minutes in if you dont want to watch all.
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