I do know how big this is btw. We are looking at the driving life force behind every living species, behind every living cell in every species. The life force that drives a single cell to the circulation of the ocean currents, from the tallest tree to the workings of the microscopic life forms.
A none living physical force that breathes life into every single species, the force that governs evolution and gives those species that stand upright an intelligence and physiological edge over all other species.
When we stood up we changed our circulation in ways that altered the order of our brains, a fluid defrag if you like adding order to chaos. We began to think clearer and explore avenues we never knew existed.
Professor Michel Cabanac discovered that when we are exercising on a bicycle, the heat loss generated from the scalp and skin on our face, was sufficient to send the blood back in the opposite direction. A Doppler probe was placed where the eye meets the nose and revealed that evaporative heat loss was sufficient to cause blood to flow back from the scalp through holes in the skull called foramina against the pressure flow from the heart.
Cabanac was careful not to assume why this was happening
Professor Dean Falk went further, although I disagree with her conclusions, she is a specialist in the evolution of skulls and was busy examining and comparing human skulls when she noticed the formina had migrated from the back of the skull in ape and early hominid species to the top of the skull as in modern man today and early upright man. Falk wrote a paper called the Radiator theory, suggesting that the brain could redirect blood flow at will.
But Cabanac points out that there are no valves in these vessels so suggesting the brain can alter direction is in itself s miss-direction.
I put it to Cabanac that the evaporative heat loss at the scalp of his exercising subjects was sufficient to alter the density of the blood, so that it would be influenced by gravity to flow back through the path of least resistance against the flow from the heart. He liked the idea but as yet has not changed his original paper. possibly because of the controversy it would cause.
The science community and the medical community are very slow to acknowledge this simple flow and return theory, despite many already agreeing with me that gravity is not a force we struggle to overcome but a force that drives our circulation.
There, I've said enough for now