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First and Second Inclined Bed Therapy Pilot Study Results Read Only

1st MS Pilot Project Raised Bed Survey John & Jean Simkins MSRC

9 years 11 months ago #69 by Andrew
Therapeutic approach by Andrew Fletcher
(Raised the head of the bed by six inches/ 15 cm)
Interviews conducted face to face 20th-22nd June 1997
9 with people who have MS, 4 with people who have: -
Severe spinal injury =2, psoriatic arthritis =1,
Ex-terminal alcoholic =1.
(in some instances the experiences of the partners were noted)
plus 1 telephone interview with a person who has MS
1 discounted face to face interview where bed was not used over 7 months
Interviewers Mr John Simkins & Mrs Jean Simkins
(Andrew Fletcher attended some interviews as observer)
Method & Approach
Evaluation in every case and on each aspect considered is based on the answers given by the interviewees and therefore each report amounts to a subjective review. IN a few cases there is some more objective evidence, e.g. reports of optical examinations and access to records of physical recovery of the spinal injuries, psoriatic arthritis and alcoholism. Medical reports haven not been sought but two opticians reports were supplied.
The values given to answers obtained from specific questions are based on perceived degrees of change on using the raised bed, from the 'norms' described for the preceding months or years.

We believe there is good reason to conduct further investigation into the therapeutic value of sleeping on a bed raised by six inches / 15cm at the head. What is at work here is not specific to multiple sclerosis but the disease offers an excellent test-bed for investigation of affect on wide range of symptoms. The basis of physical and sensory sign and symptom improvement via this therapy is rooted in encouraging a body process that is normal and essential to human life and is an integral function in every human body.
It is our view that further work could best be done by a series of relatively short term studies on group of people who would be subject to detailed analyses of medical and health condition before and after the study period, and be monitored regularly throughout.
We believe that nothing in this report is overstated. A study protocol would benefit from taking on board much of what was learned and is reported from this survey. The additional use of other parameters including biological data related to blood and fluid circulation in the human body and a whole-body approach to analysing the results, would be likely to provide a viable objective view of this approach.

Printable document with tables and analysis.
Download for Raised Bed Survey by John and Jean Simkins of the Multiple Sclerosis Resource Center MSRC

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 11 months ago #70 by Andrew

Scanned Copies of the original report can be found on the above link.

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 11 months ago #71 by Andrew
Dear Mr Fletcher, thank you so much for raising my bed. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis twenty six years ago and have been paralysed many times.

Before raising my bed (April 96)

1. I had muscle spasm in my legs, especially in the morning and at night.
2. I had problems walking with weakness in my right leg. I was shaky and needed a stick.
3. I had a muscle weakness in my left eye.
4. I had a painful lump on my calf muscle which was growing, an orthopaedic condition (osteochondrmatosis which results in oedema). I had difficulty with my ankle and on-going physiotherapy was essential.
5. I was suffering weight loss.
6. I had asthma and used inhalers.
7. I had bad sinusitis and needed physiotherapy and inhalers.

Since raising my bed

1. I no longer get muscle spasm in my legs.
2. My walking is much improved. I do not use my stick anymore.
3. The eye weakness is much improved. It only ‘wanders’ when I am very tired.
4. The lump has shrunk to a small flat area; there is no pain, just a feeling of slight pressure. Physiotherapy is no longer required.
5. My weight has increased by over half a stone
6. The asthma is much improved-the inhaler was only needed a couple of times this summer for high pollen count level.
7. My sinusitis is much improved and less painful. Physiotherapy is no longer needed and I only occasionally use an inhaler.

I do not have the exhaustion, I feel more energetic and less tired. My ms is more stable; one day is more like the next and not so erratic. Raising my bed has brought positive results and continues to do so. I feel stronger as the months go by.

Further letter:

I forgot to mention the following information in my letter, concerning my improvement since raising my bed.
My balance has improved, I have had no relapses and my hair is in better condition and there is more of it!!.

My bladder control is much better, particularly at night. This is a real bonus!

Other people including nurses. Medics and friends, have remarked how much better I am.
They are amazed that my MS stayed stable when a painful operation without any anaesthetic (at my own request) to help keep my ms stable.
Everyone I amazed at the absence of my stick.

Best wishes (name omitted)

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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