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Inclined Therapy (I.B.T.) For people with multiple sclerosis (MS) Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI) and Limes Disease

Alexsandra From the beginning: a diary on my IBT experience

9 years 10 months ago #19 by Andrew
1.Name: Aleksandra
Male/Female: F
Age: 55

2/15/96, MRI, diagnosed MS. Lessions only in the brain and most in the cerebellum.


Before I begun the I.B. Study, I suffered from the cramps across my feet, experienced (occasionally) the numbness of a left toe sometimes accompanying with all fingers of the left feet. Often, I experienced an excrutiating pain across the foot, like if it was placed in a tool that tries to crush it. Often, I felt tingling moving sensation in lower parts of my legs.
My absolutely two main problems are: lack of balance and stiffness of my legs Both experienced to a vary high degree.
I always slept during the day, for 1 hour, there was no escape from it, though the time of the day varied. Now, that I have fasted, I did not feel tired, but I sense that it is creeping back...
If I drunk a small (!) amount of beer, I got more flexible and could do more exercises, but my left toe always reacted violently on even a sligtest amount of acohol, it got immediately frozen and thus hurting.


At the starting time, when I am beginning the I.B. study, I am in a secondary progressive phase of MS my. It begun in 1996 with a violent attack after the influenza, with very weakened legs and the feeling of beeing strapped around the chest. I suffered from severe fatigue, I felt like I have cotton in my head, I could not concentrate at all! I woke up at night up to 9 times to go to the toilet, I slept during the day for 1 hour. Later on, when I got out of the accute attack, the legs remained my weak point. I could walk, though being very tired until my ”battery” run out and I was not able to do any more step more. My vision was OK. My feet and hands were very cold.
At the beginning i was definitely in the RR phase. I could not tolerate heat. I could walk often 1-1.5 km.
Since around 2-3 years I do not leave my home and can not walk longer distances. I walk with a walker (a stick, as before, does not work anymore, due to absolute lack of balance).
I can drive still, so I walk from my house to the car and step out at the destination point.
I have it best in the swimming pool. It takes me now 40 minutes to become flexible, but once it is accomplished and I stretch my legs, I can swim like I could do it before my illness (well, perhaps not that long distances). The effect of cooling lasts for about 2 hours and afterwards I am disabled again.
I tried 10-14 day sessions of kriotherapy 5,4,and 1 year ago. Though it gave delightful effects at the first time, the results lasted shortly, and the whole treatment did not give any lasting effects. It shows, hoverer, the beneficial effect of cooling the entire body.


I live in Denmark, it is flat and on the sea level.
My first sensations appeared in the city I live in. No elevation at all. No dampness in the flat, though it is generally humid in Denmark. The influenza (that left me with the MS) begun in the train, during the 10 hours trip.

MS treatments and results:
Number of relapses in the first and second year before I.BT. intervention: I had no attacks since a good few years. I believe I am well into a secondart progressive MS phase.

EDSS before I.BT. intervention (self-assessed or physician-assessed?): Self assessed: 6.0

FSS before I.BT. Intervention: 6.22

MSIS before I.T. Intervention: 107

Number of relapses since starting I.B.T intervention: (to-bee-yet-seen) NONE yet.

Have you had testing for CCSVI blockage yet: ) YES
Have you undergone a stenosis procedure : NO (I do not have enough pronounced stenosis).
So I do not qualify qualify for the ”liberation procedure”.

If Applicable:
Date/location of testing/procedure: Institut fur BILDGEBENDE DIAGNOSTIK, Frankfurt/Offenbach, Germany
Type of venographic study: MS-CCSVI Haacke protocol and MRT on 5/5/2010 of ”neurokranium”. On 03.25.10, Doppler ultrasound examination of my jugular veins (Copenhagen, Denmark, private doctor, Søren Hancke: no narrowing found, yet the blood runs slower than it should.
Type of CCSVI Procedure: none to be applied

Progress reporting:

1st 11th day notes I.T. The beginning:. 05.20.10 – until today, 05.31.10

Since the first night and until now, I definitely sleep better! I do not wake up so many times during a night, just once. I sleep very well, peaceful, comfortable.
As far as coldness of my feet (this is a real problem that does not allow me to fall asleep), it persists, I sleep in the socks and recently also with a warming pad. However, this is not a typical time for me. When I begun my test with I.B., I was in the 11th day of fasting, and I felt freezing cold. Now I am on my 7th day of reintroducing the food, but my feet and hands and also very cold during the day. In In one week I should be back to normal.
Anyway, once I fall asleep, my legs are warm and I feel well rested after the night.
No improvement, though (other than small changes that I attribute to fasting, I have regained my memory, I stopped having lapses when I talk, and my vision is more stable, it used to get cloudy during a day, on and off).

Update (2nd WEEK) I.T. Tracking date:_ 06/01/10 - 06.05.10
No changes. All is absolutely the same as since the beginning. The only result I notice is that continously I need to wake up only once per night.
No changes, no improvements. But one needs to take into consideration that I have been fasting, and now I am on the 11th day of reintroduction of food.

Update (3nd & 4th WEEKS) I.T. Tracking date:_ 06.06.10 - 06.21.10
The last two weeks were surprisingly different. Consequently, each single night I needed to go to the bathroom few times a night. I can not trace any reason that would cause it. Besides, the nights are warmer now, so coldness can not be blamed. My legs are still weaker and weaker each day. I was very stiff lately. Since 1 week I stopped taking Rebif (after an advice of my doctor), supposedly it might have contributed to my stiffness. Indeed, it seems it was true, but the difference is not that great.
I can not report any more changes that I could attribute to the IBT. I am done with my fast, I eat everything now. I hope that with time I will regain my strengths.
Well... after browsing through the other entries (so interesting!!) I realised that I have much warmer hands than before. I am diagnosed with a Raynaud's Syndrome. But I am sure that MS contributes to my always cold hands and feet. And yes, it is warm lately, but...when fasting, I took away my medicines, including the one against R.S. (Adalat). When fasting, I was freezing all over, all the time. But after that I never got back to it! And I seem to have forgotten about my problem! At least partially (other than the fast) I.B. might have been the reason for this nice relief!

Next two (5 & 6th) weeks: 6.22.10-7.10.10
No change. Still waking up many times during the night. Still going to sleep in the socks, taking them off only in the middle of the night (we have now HOT nights!). It is always the position (horisontal) that makes my feet immediately cold.
I am undergoing few treatments: I begun to exchange my mercury fillings, it will take some time but two are done, two next ones will follow next week. I will always get an IV with 25 grams of vitamin C within one hour after the visit to the dentist. I also get cranio-sacral treatments, it helps with clarity of my mind, gives me more energy and ability to exercise more. I do not know how long the effects will last. I also started taking many new supplements: ALA, DMAE, NAC and Acetyl L-Carnitine. Within days, I will start gemmo-therapy and homeopathic treatment with Carcinosin. So that future changes (hopefully some!) may be attributed to my other actions. But I am decided to sleep on the inclined bed until my vacations in August. That will be the best time to make a break.

Next weeks: 7.10.10- 8.5.10
No change

Next month: 8.5.10-8.30.10
I am on vacations and I am "forced" to be on the flat bed again.
It definitely got worse, but not necessarily because of the change of sleeping position. Since the end of my fasting I had a constant diarrhea
and it got much worse while on vacations. I lost my balance, the strength in the legs and overall strength as well. So I knew that I will need to fix that problem upon returning home.

Weeks: 8.31.10 - 9.10.10
I am back in the inclined bed, but no change yet.

Week: 9.15-9.19.10
I found out how to stop diarrhea. I went to the doctor, she did not know what is the cause, but one of the supplements finally helped me.
Ever since I do feel that I am slowly improving. Whether it is due to the bed, I can not tell. I still wake up every 3 hours to go to the bathroom. So, even that little initial miracle is gone. I somehow hope that the idea behing IBT is good and I will give it a chance. I am still changing my mercury fillings.

Next weeks: 10.10.2010 - 12.08.2010
No changes. Up and downs. I got much worse when I removed all 10 huge amalgam fillings (even though at the "secure" dentist). I am slowly recovering, started adding chlorella, MSM, Heavy Metal Detox. I started another treatment, one can call it "accupressure" but it is just the opposite: one attaches sucking pipes with verious endings, to the feet, lower legs, hands and arms. Circa 15 minutes at each place, then it is changed. The whole procedure lasts 3-5 hours (!). It is supposed to stop MS and give you more energy. In fact, it does! I perform much better at my fysiotherapy.
I continue taking gemmotherapy products. I also take L-carnitine, ALA, Q3 (30mg), DMSA, vit E and usual multivitamin, fish oil, ginseng.
I stopped yesterday using my leaning bed. It definitely had no effect on me, and I needed to get some help at elevating my bed. So in some sense I was forced to resign from my project with IBT. I think, however, that I tried long enough. It just did not work for me. I am not giving up, though, I will continue my fight. Right now, I will devote my time to the mercury detox. I started believing that much of my MS symptoms were initially due to mercury poisoning.

So, I'd love to say GOOD BUY to this nice site, with you all luck!

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 10 months ago #20 by Andrew
Hello Aleksandra and welcome to the Inclined Bed Therapy Tracking Forum. Have posted the template into your journal so you can edit it and when your happy, you can delete the red instruction text. Any problems don't hesitate to ask.

I really appreciate you taking the time to help with my research


Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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