40 dollar inclined bed frame ibt 1Inclined Bed Therapy:  Sleeping Inclined To Restore and Support Your Health For Free.  Fascinating Science, Discovery, History and Medical Research In Circulation And Posture, by Andrew K Fletcher.  Read the Success Stories.  Check the Forum.

Inclined Therapy (I.B.T.) For people with multiple sclerosis (MS) Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI) and Limes Disease

Mr Cool's IBT Progress Journal

9 years 11 months ago #6 by Andrew
Mr Cool's IBT Progress Journal was created by Andrew
Name:__Mr Cool_____________ ( alias)
Male/Female: (M/F) M
Date(s) & type of neurological diagnosis (RRMS, SPMS, PPMS, CIS, or other): No Formal Diagnosis, Suspected Relapsing Remitting MS
Lesion locations (most affected side, if known), number of lesions

[ MM/DD/1998]


Hello dear scientist Andrew Fletcher! I am glad that there is such really good scientist like you.
I live in the capital of Azerbaycan, Baku . I have had ms for 12 years , I have headaches 12 years on left side of head, my left eye sight is worse and I have double vision and paresia , my right side of body is weak, I can't walk more than 200 meters, I have some sensory loss, experience spasms, dizzyness and loss of balance. I have trouble writing due to weakness in hand and nocturia, visiting the bathroom frequently at night. My body tends to overheat, I experience lethargy and fatigue, Lhermitte's syndrome, and have erectile dysfunction, digestive problems

I am writing to you because I read about your inclined bed on 15 02 2010.

Provide as much detail as possible in your own words at the start, in order to quantify any changes, which may occur during the study period.

Copy and paste information from your previous posts on www.thisisms.com/ftopict-8535.html (or other forums and websites) including post dates.

Please include any of the following that relate to your particular circumstances and delete those which do not:
Pain, aches, lethargy, spasm, tremor, vision, feeling cold in bed, blood pressure, cold feet or hands, dreaming, morning paralysis, swollen limbs, blocked sinuses, Irritability, fidgety limbs in bed, ability to maintain body temperature, poor circulation, lethargy, depression, loss of movement in limbs, snoring, poor sleep, sleeping disorders, breathing difficulties,
poor quality, finger/toe nails, absence of half moons on nails, hair condition, varicose veins, leg ulcers, loss of skin sensitivity, taste, smell, problems with balance. liver spots, old scar tissue, sensory loss, headaches, pins and needles, night sweats, cramp, bladder control.
Night time bladder urgency, Urine infections, bowel function, spasm, memory loss, backache, mouth infections, ulcers, scoliosis, psoriasis, exzema any other not listed
It would be very helpful if you could film a video diary, or take photographs of any leg ulcers, scars, finger/toe nails, swollen limbs, skin, hair conditions or varicose veins, as these conditions have already shown remarkable improvements in several participants. Video and Photographs
add weight to reports, giving credence and support to your journal

Saving nail clippings and hair samples, dated for later comparisons is a useful analysis tool. Saving urine samples prior to tilting the bed for comparison after I.T. in first week will prove useful for you to make a comparison and comment.

I live in the capital of Azerbaycan, Baku
Terrain: * large,flat lowland (much of it below sea-level) with Great Caucasus Mountains to the north, uplands in the west
* Lowest point: Caspian Sea which is - 28 metres "below sea level" which is often very humid. Todays weather:
Current Time Wednesday, 5 May 2010, 14:18:31
Current conditions
Broken clouds. Cool. 16 °C
Broken clouds. Cool.
Location: Baku / Bine Airport
Temperature: 16 °C
Comfort level: 16 °C
Dew point: 16 °C
Barometer: 1017 millibars
Humidity: 100%
Wind: 7 km/h from 10° NorthDirection South
Last update: Wed 13:00 AZST

More about where I live: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography_of_Azerbaijan

If you moved what type of area you moved to and if your condition improved or worsened.
What weather conditions aggravate or improve your problems?

I work in an office most of the time spending many hours at a desk..

MS treatments and results:
Number of relapses in the first and second year before I.BT. intervention: 0

EDSS before I.BT. intervention (self-assessed or physician-assessed?):

To calculate EDSS rating, click the following link

FSS before I.BT. intervention:

To calculate FSS rating, click the following link:

MSIS before I.T. intervention:
To calculate MSIS rating , click the following link: healingpowernow.com/msis.htm

Number of relapses since starting I.B.T intervention:

Impact on your MS symptoms in words (include date in brackets if there have been multiple updates):
EDSS as of this update (self-assessed or physician-assessed?)
FSS as of this update:
MSIS as of this update:

Have you had testing for CCSVI blockage yet: (Y/N)
Have you undergone a stenosis procedure (Y/N) No
If Applicable:
Date/location of testing/procedure:
Type of venographic study: (MRV, Doppler)
Type of CCSVI Procedure:


02/16/2010. I raised my bed on blocks to 6 inches higher at the head end.
From the first day I felt something strange in my head, like headaches on whole of my head, I had pain in stomach and gases, I felt like the blood was boiling in my legs, I had bad appetite.
Next day I feel myself much better.
I can see better, walk better, my balance is better, my right leg has become stronger ,my hand too , my feeling of being too hot has improved, I go for toilet oftener ,sorry for my word -even my erection problem has become better and still is the same,

I don't get tired during the days anymore, I can now write much better. I read letters from those who have had the liberation procedure and notice they report the same improvements--headaches, pain in stomach etc.

02/23/2010 I thought that it will be continue for a long time but it was till ,after my dinner -meat on oil with rice.
The day before ,on 02/22/ 2010 I raised my bed another 2 inches and it became 8 inches higher at the head end. Maybe this was the reason I felt much worse , I don't know?
Give me your advise please .What I can do else to walk better ?
Now I don't have Lhermitte's syndrome,
The relations with my wife much better (you know what I mean).May be this is because of changing blood circulation?
Now I don't eat meat only fish, vegetables, 2 Portions in a day. Is this why I feel better?
I am preparing for liberation in Bulgarian hospital next year, what you think about that?
In general I feel better then before. THANK YOU VERY MUCH ANDREW ! WITH GOOD REGARDS MR COOL.

My Journal
02/16/2010 Raised my bed 6 inches at the head end to comply with the Inclined Bed Therapy Study
Slept on an incline during the night and rested on the incline during the day.

02/17/2010 Morning - good mood, was able to lift my right leg higher than before. I was able to put trousers on while standing.
My gait has improved significantly
All day long had more energy and felt far less tired, did not need to sleep in the afternoon as I did before. Although sleeping during the night was not good.
My sight became more precise, left eye had less double vision.
My Balance has improved and I can stand better.
Sharp Headaches on both sides of my head.
02/18/10 I can use a brush more easily and both hands have improved
My back no longer aches and my waist no longer aches, I no longer have Lhermetts Syndrome, and my head no longer feels heavy.
Restless legs are very peaceful now. I can put my trousers on while standing, which I could not do before I tilted my bed.
My standing has become much steadier.
My appetite has become worse.
My speech and reaction or cognitive ability has improved and my hand writing has also improved .

02/19/10 Normal state of health all day long did not get to tired.
I feel sick and my stomach aches

02/20/10 My bowl movements are more regular today, I have been twice to the toilet.
02/20/10 I have poor appetite because of stomach ache and excess stomach gas.
My head was aching in the afternoon so I rested on my Inclined Bed and felt improvements after a rest without taking any medication.
I am now able to move my fingers more and brush my hair more easily.
I have begun to sweat more profusely.
My Stomach does not ache for me to eat
I raised my bed another 2 inches and it became 8 inches higher at the head end. Maybe this was the reason I felt much worse , I don't know?
02/22/10 My writing has improved more.
02/23/10 Woke up feeling well in the morning.
In the afternoon I ate Beef with rice with salted cucumbers and felt much worse soon after eating this meal.
After reading about Paolo Zamboni I stopped eating meat.

02/24/10 I had a nice bath and was able to cope with the heat.
03/09/10 I stopped eating meet because of the iron content so have decided to eat fish instead. I cannot eat Apples either.
03/26/10 I had a headache
04/06/10 I feel ill
04/12/10 I have begun to drink Cavinton – a medication to help blood flow around the brain. I take 2 x 5 mil tablets per day now.
04/13/10 I was able to walk more than 500 meters around the yard.
My erectile dysfunction problem has improved and my overall state of health has improved but as yet some of my symptoms remain unchanged.
06/02/10 My balance has remained stable

I want to say that 6 month hass passed . I feel the same but I feel also that I become little more active and have more energy. My life with wife even better but unfortunally i cant say the same about my right leg it's still weak, but i can walk more with it more then 6 months ago. I dont use any medicines ,or drugs, I am just sleeping on inclined bed, even during the days. I remember that my wision was worse than it is now .Only with compare of 6 months ago I can say anything. Sorry i can t stil write on my wall .My bed now 20 cm raised at the head end. I live in a village with my family near the Caspian Sea. I try to write more in future.

Monthly Update (4 WEEKS) I.T. Tracking date:_ MM/DD/YYYY

Monthly Update (4 WEEKS) I.T. Tracking date:_ MM/DD/YYYY

Monthly Update (4 WEEKS) I.T. Tracking date:_ MM/DD/YYYY

At some point, ‘preferably after Four months’, during the study you may wish to revert back to horizontal rest in order to determine the differences.

Please record any comparisons that are observed.

(Repeat Entry each time you revert back to flat)

Continue reporting using the same format, preferably once every month so that we can compare progress with other people sleeping Inclined.[/size]

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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