40 dollar inclined bed frame ibt 1Inclined Bed Therapy:  Sleeping Inclined To Restore and Support Your Health For Free.  Fascinating Science, Discovery, History and Medical Research In Circulation And Posture, by Andrew K Fletcher.  Read the Success Stories.  Check the Forum.

Inclined Therapy (I.B.T.) For people with multiple sclerosis (MS) Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI) and Limes Disease

Tracking Journal Template / Instructions

9 years 11 months ago #3 by Andrew
The example format is open for suggestions, edits and updates from those using Inclined Therapy.

1. Each person using Inclined Bed Therapy (I.B.T.) Please start a new topic beginning with the title: (Your Name / Alias) IBT Progress Tracking Journal.
2. Copy this Template to your word processor and save to your hard drive as IBT Tracking Journal so you can find it easy.
3. Edit using your word processor following the instructions and examples adding your history and observations using IBT. (Copy and Paste Your Updates, including the posting dates directly from Thisms forum)
4. Edit to remove all instruction text, symptoms and examples that do not apply to you. (all of the red text shown here should be deleted)
5. Copy and paste your edited and saved Journal from your word processor into your new topic / Journal using the edit tab each time you update your journal. This is an excellent way to avoid any lost text when posting. And conitnue to Update using the template Format. (Note: The forum can fail to update your post if you take more than five minutes)

Note: Your post can be edited as often as required.
Comments can be discussed by replying to the original post and answered using the normal forum thread reply.

The purpose of this thread is to get an easy to follow overview of known medical conditions, general health and well-being, mobility, function, sensory loss and fatigue levels before I.B.T. Therapy commenced, followed by dated experiences of people with multiple sclerosis (ms) that are using I.B.T.
Our aim is to provide accurate, and focused reports, so that all results can be statistically evaluated.

FSS, MSIS, and/or EDSS scores, will help for Subjective and Objective statistical analysis of any results as well as number and severity of relapses (if applicable) will be very helpful and important for ease of data analysis.
Edit Your Original Post adding new progress reports at the bottom of the post together with any verified test results.

(If Applicable) CCSVI testing results, side of major IJV stenosis , side of most lesions as well as symptoms, experiences with the treatment and post-treatment medications, MS / CCSVI symptoms pre and post treatment.

Finally, if you could post MRI, MRV and other images / photographs, that would be very helpful to provide solid before and after evidence. photobucket.com/ is a hassle-free site for uploading and hosting images anonymously. Flicker is another good resource: www.flickr.com/

Comments and discussion will follow in the forum by replying to the Original post.

Name:_______________ (Or familiar alias)
Male/Female: (M/F)
Date(s) & type of neurological diagnosis (RRMS, SPMS, PPMS, CIS, or other):
Lesion locations (most affected side, if known), number of lesions

[Please use date format MM/DD/YYYY]


List all of your ailments. "Try to list every ache, pain, loss of sensation, loss of function or discomfort which troubles you and at what time of day it becomes worse. Expand wherever possible.

Provide as much detail as possible in your own words at the start, in order to quantify any changes, which may occur during the study period.

Copy and paste information from your previous posts on www.thisisms.com/ftopict-8535.html (or other forums and websites) including post dates.

Please include any of the following that relate to your particular circumstances and delete those which do not:
Pain, aches, lethargy, spasm, tremor, vision, feeling cold in bed, blood pressure, cold feet or hands, dreaming, morning paralysis, swollen limbs, blocked sinuses, Irritability, fidgety limbs in bed, ability to maintain body temperature, poor circulation, lethargy, depression, loss of movement in limbs, snoring, poor sleep, sleeping disorders, breathing difficulties,
poor quality, finger/toe nails, absence of half moons on nails, hair condition, varicose veins, leg ulcers, loss of skin sensitivity, taste, smell, problems with balance. liver spots, old scar tissue, sensory loss, headaches, pins and needles, night sweats, cramp, bladder control.
Night time bladder urgency, Urine infections, bowel function, spasm, memory loss, backache, mouth infections, ulcers, scoliosis, psoriasis, exzema any other not listed
It would be very helpful if you could film a video diary, or take photographs of any leg ulcers, scars, finger/toe nails, swollen limbs, skin, hair conditions or varicose veins, as these conditions have already shown remarkable improvements in several participants. Video and Photographs
add weight to reports, giving credence and support to your journal

Saving nail clippings and hair samples, dated for later comparisons is a useful analysis tool. Saving urine samples prior to tilting the bed for comparison after I.T. in first week will prove useful for you to make a comparison and comment.

It would be very useful if you could tell us about your everyday problems, how they affect your life and how and when they first started. I would also like to know where you lived, (Not the address)
a general area description from the time you first noticed your problems will suffice.
For example: River valley or low-lying coastal area, elevated hillside(height above sea level if known)
If you moved what type of area you moved to and if your condition improved or worsened.
What weather conditions aggravate or improve your problems? What is/was your job, did you work in a damp/humid environment, perhaps near a river or in a steamy kitchen, or on a ship or boat.

Have you experienced any changes in your condition due to altitude, Perhaps during a trip to the top of a mountain or to the bottom of a ravine or valley?

MS treatments and results:
Number of relapses in the first and second year before I.BT. intervention:

EDSS before I.BT. intervention (self-assessed or physician-assessed?):

To calculate EDSS rating, click the following link

FSS before I.BT. intervention:

To calculate FSS rating, click the following link:

MSIS before I.B.T. intervention:
To calculate MSIS rating , click the following link: healingpowernow.com/msis.htm

Number of relapses since starting I.B.T intervention:

Impact on your MS symptoms in words (include date in brackets if there have been multiple updates):
EDSS as of this update (self-assessed or physician-assessed?)
FSS as of this update:
MSIS as of this update:

Have you had testing for CCSVI blockage yet: (Y/N)
Have you undergone a stenosis procedure (Y/N)
If Applicable:
Date/location of testing/procedure:
Type of venographic study: (MRV, Doppler)
Type of CCSVI Procedure:

Progress reporting:


REMEMBER TO SAVE THIS FORM ON YOUR HARD DRIVE AS YOU EDIT IT EACH TIME AS THIS WILL BECOME YOUR OWN DIARY AND AN EXACT COPY OF THE INFORMATION YOU HAVE REPORTED: This way if the data is lost at either end, one of us will have a copy. "Computers and web forums do crash".

1st 7 day notes I.T. Tracking date:_ DD/MM/YYYY

Delete Example text:
12/28/2009: I am Sleeping Less Comfortably, I am feeling colder in bed, I have to get up more times during the night to visit the bathroom. I am experiencing ballance problems in the morning when I get out of bed.

14/28/2009: I am sleeping more comfortably, I am Feeling warmer in bed, I have not been getting out of bed so much in the night to visit the bathroom.

Update (2nd WEEK) I.B.T. Tracking date:_ MM/DD/YYYY

Update (Following 2 WEEKS) I.B.T. Tracking date:_ MM/DD/YYYY

Update (2 WEEKS) I.B.T. Tracking date:_ MM/DD/YYYY

Update (2 WEEKS) I.B.T. Tracking date:_ MM/DD/YYYY

Monthly Update (4 WEEKS) I.B.T. Tracking date:_ MM/DD/YYYY

Monthly Update (4 WEEKS) I.BT. Tracking date:_ MM/DD/YYYY

Monthly Update (4 WEEKS) I.B.T. Tracking date:_ MM/DD/YYYY

At some point, ‘preferably after Four months’, during the study you may wish to revert back to horizontal rest in order to determine the differences.

Please record any comparisons that are observed.

(Repeat Entry each time you revert back to flat)

Continue reporting using the same format, preferably once every month so that we can compare progress with other people sleeping Inclined.
If you have multiple sclerosis, you should be waking up to Inclined Therapy I.B.T. Blog: www.inclinedtherapy.com Video: www.youtube.com/user/AndrewKFletcher
Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/InclinedBedTherapy/

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Bech Uana

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