So busy with crazy-making job that I don't allow myself a second to get on here, truly, but I keep meaning to and finally did!!
Mantras to Remember and Use: It's Truly Posture not a Placebo (see Andrew's comment on the MS patient circa 2010 I think it was - I just read it in here) and Movement Is of the Essence, as we both realize (same nutty employer and we both refuse to retire EVER; however do enjoy the work and the income). Gravity is SO strong a force it's amazing. Gotta love it as AF says, can't live without it.
Health is improving still and attributable to I.B.T.'s benefits; digestive, respiratory, muscle/joints, everything.
Really here is my OWN mantra I devised, having read somewhere "Rest and Digest" I've morphed it for my personal use to REST (A), DIGEST (

, RESTORE (C). It can be used as ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, CBA. Meaning anyplace you start, it will help the other 2 areas, and IBT will help'em ALL!
So right now I'm off to Rest, Digest and Restore (going to Inclined Bed to go to sleep for the night) but during the dinner hour earlier I thought in terms of Restore, Digest, Rest. Meaning eating some thyroid-helping restorative foods, so I could digest properly, heal issues, get metabolism improvements, and get some good sleep.
Once I wake up having properly Digested, Rested, and Restored, I can then take on tomorrow and 'rinse and repeat' in the various combinations.
Wishing/hoping All the Best,