40 dollar inclined bed frame ibt 1Inclined Bed Therapy:  Sleeping Inclined To Restore and Support Your Health For Free.  Fascinating Science, Discovery, History and Medical Research In Circulation And Posture, by Andrew K Fletcher.  Read the Success Stories.  Check the Forum.

inclined bed therapy for esta

9 years 11 months ago #42 by Andrew
inclined bed therapy for esta was created by Andrew
Male/Female: (M/F) F
Age: 60
Diagnosed in 1980, typical book case, now since severe car accident 5 yrs ago PPMS. In a wheelchair. Mostly left side, but now right side getting weaker too

-optic-neuritis damage – right eye – blind spots
-left eye-torn retina from car accident-now, just so damaged its basically blind. I can see a bit, but everything has a brown haze and blind where i focus.
diagnosed after my son was born, all the usual symptoms. i have had one MRI 12 years ago. Never had a spinal tap. Went to alternative medicine after too many rounds of prednisone and all the side effects. Did naturopathy, acupuncture, traditional chinese medicine, and currently homeopathy.
Currently, before IBT:
-brain fog, headaches every morning before i get up. My hair even hurts to touch somedays
-bladder good due to homeopathy. Depending on how deep i sleep, don't have to go, or just once, then i don't get back to sleep, just doze.
-night sweats around 2 or so, can't get back to sleep
Bowels grossly constipated, always have to take a natural remedy
-stiff, sore whole body, mostly hips, shoulders, neck back too
-legs from waist down freezing cold in evening, even wrapped in comforter and blanket on top plus socks. Can't get warm, its like i'm insulating the cold to stay in.
-hands cold too mostly right one.
-left foot drop, few months ago. Legs spasm when i get up from recline position.
-feet swollen and very purple

My main complaint lately is i am getting weaker everywhere, and loosing my motor skills rapidly. Over the last year or so, i am having trouble in the pool walking, painting, typing, combing my hair, using electric toothbrush, holding a pen, recent memory problems

Please include any of the following that relate to your particular circumstances and delete those which do not:
-low blood pressure and heart beat
-fingernails lots of ridges, especially left thumb.
-lots of liver spots on arms
-hearing worse, ears always ringing and itchy on the outside

GENERAL GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION: I as born at a coastal rainy site, moved to a cold climate where my symptoms started, in my mid 20's. In a basin geographic area when the worst symptoms started when living on a farm, thought it was ingesting animal products, but now think of the water that had a very heavy iron content from a shallow well. I was also nursing and didn't have a period for three years.
I believe stress played a huge role for me. Going back to university at 45, and early menopause kind of sinched it for PPMS. After a very serious c ar accident, i'm now in a wheelchair.
I don't do doctors, am now into homeopathy for the past 5 years. No drugs.

Inclined bed to 4”, 5 weeks ago, then to 7”, 3 weeks ago.
instantly i could breath deeper
it took me 2 weeks to get out of the aches and pains-back, hips, neck to realize m
-sleep much sounder
-very vivid dreams
-hardly vo to the bathroom during the night.
-feet can get warn in evening now with just socks and my comforter not doubled over, just single
I'm actually hot most nights before bed
-up earlier in am – one day refreshed even.

We travelled and slept flat for 4 days, and again 2 weeks to notice changes. Back to not sleeping as well, ice cold backside and feet, going to bathroom at night etc, but last two days showing improvements again.
My husband, who doesn't have MS, loves the incline bed. He snores very little now, and no more sleep apnoea which is huge. He is well rested and way more energy.

Have you had testing for CCSVI blockage yet: (Y/N) no, off to Poland oin June
Have you undergone a stenosis procedure (Y/N) no

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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