Last year after IBT my ability to sleep had already been vastly improved. Whether this was due only to IBT or other measures alone I cannot truly know, but likely IBT played a part. Just before chiro I was able to have great nights sleep but still had issues with lying on my sides for about 30 minutes before sleeping. After a few chiro sessions I noticed I was able to not only lay on my sides without a single issue, but also be able to breath in deeply yawning (while lying on side) and not feel any pain at all.
Initially before IBT the pain affected me by my not being able to sleep on my sides at all without pain throughout the night in my right side mostly, but also great tightness in the xiphoid and sternum region. I would use pillows against my chest and prop my arms up so as not to put any pressure on my chest while lying on my side. Mostly I lay and slept on my back only. Accidentally yawning while laying on my side caused intense pain in my chest and upper abdomen. This would also cause what I call "chest attacks" which even into mid last year would last up to three hours of intense physical chest pain where I could not breathe in without making it worse, and basically had to wait until it suddenly disappeared.
I was always very pained when I touched any part of the area near my xiphoid and lying on my chest was a huge no no, like I said even lying on my sides caused enough pressure in my chest to be very painful alone.
I went through many doctors to eliminate things and they were stumped. I eventually gave up on them because they had no answers and one person put it down panic attacks, which was absolutely ludicrous from my perspective.
The best thing however that they did for me was to send me to a physiotherapist, not because of their exercises because I could not do them without bad pain, but it was the physiotherapist told me my chest pain could be caused by a back problem. It turns out that the area I was having pain at is where the lower ribs connect and that from there they connect around to the back into the mid thoracic region. When we have an issue at this area of the back it causes the rib not to sit well at the front, and inflammation results over time until full blown pain is the end result.
See a youtube explanation at the bottom of this post for a better explanation.
I have only done 8 sessions of chiro at two per week for the last month and my ability to sleep now is fantastic. I was good before but my ability to breath is way better than ever and breathing in deeply or yawning while on my sides is no longer an issue, and in fact I can even lay on my stomach now...first time in over two years.
I still have not completed my chiropractic therapy and need more funds before I finish but hopefully my progress over the next few months without chiro is aided by my continued IBT. If I still feel as good in a few months as I do now I will be a ecstatic.
Link to explanation of costochondritis...part 1...
Part 2 of video...