Name: pmouse
Male/Female: M
Age: 35
Date(s) & type of neurological diagnosis (RRMS, SPMS, PPMS, CIS, or other): 2005 diagnosed MS but later in 2008 diagnosed PPMS
In deep white brain on both hemispheres, at back parts, on both side verticles are more tiny lesions.More found in corona radiata on both sides, on temporal horns, on both side ventricals, many light lesions in corpus calosum. Many lesions are also periacveductal in vertebral and dorsal part of pons and in media oblongata.
More lesions on left side. New justakortical lesion right frontally in area in upper frontal girus, one subcortical left frontally in area of middle frontal girus, one right frontally bigger lesion in white brains. Lesions in temporal slice.With contrast no lesion is coloured.
Walking problem, bladder control is bad, not empty bladder, hard to walk more than 300 m, fatigue then, problems with eyesight, shaking vision, at least three times a night going to toilet, bad balance, stiff legs, realy low on energy, hard and unbalance rising from bed, running nose when rising out of bed during night, erectile disfunction,...
i live nor near any river but it is on flat meadow and forest area. Nearby (200 m) there is moisture area which is regulated with many canals. I always lived here. Humidity is normal – around 40-60 (depends of the season).
Altitude: 300 m
MS treatments and results:
I had no relapses just my MS worsened fron 2004 to 2010.
EDSS before I.BT. intervention: self-assessed 4.5 , physician-assessed from 2009: 3,5
FSS before I.BT. intervention: 2,3
MSIS before I.T. intervention: 48
Number of relapses since starting I.B.T intervention: 0
Impact on your MS symptoms in words (include date in brackets if there have been multiple updates):
EDSS as of this update (self-assessed or physician-assessed?): 4,0 – self assesed
Have you had testing for CCSVI blockage yet: Doppler found no stenosis, soon detailed testing in Bulgaria
Have you undergone a stenosis procedure (Y/N) : Y
If Applicable:
Date/location of testing/procedure: 5.4.2010, Bulgaria
Type of venographic study: Doppler and venograph
Diagnosis: Dopller showed 2 stenosis, venograph - RJV - 90% blocked, LJV 50 % blocked
Type of CCSVI Procedure: balooning in both veins
Progress reporting:
1st 7 day notes I.T. Tracking date: 01.02.2010
Bad sleep first two nights, very dehidrated (have to drink more water), strange feeling in legs, more stiffness. I could sleep on my back few times.
AFTER CCSVI: 5 th day (5.9.2010):
- Before I could not walk fast, yesterday I could for 100 m
- I tried how long I can walk before rest - about 400 m
- I tried to run slow and I could about 25 m and back. I didn’t have to mentally control each leg, running was more on my fingers – before I could not run at all
- After running or having faster heartbeat my vision is not foggy any more, but it still shakes, I can read letters before I couldn’t
- I can jump with both legs
- My balance improved for 50 % (when standing I can be very still)
Next day I felt realy tired and my legs hurt. I have to take smaller steps.
IBT Update (2nd WEEK) I.T. Tracking date: 01.02.2010
Big differences in sleep on better, vivid dreams, easier to rise out of bed, urin is more dense and it seems that there is less water inside, warm legs all the time, little more energy.
IBT Update (Following 2 WEEKS) I.T. Tracking date: 01.31.2010
A lot of energy, easy to rise out of bed, no running nose even if i go somewhere in the night, once or twice emptying bladder at night, doing power exercises (push ups, room bicycle...), less stiffness,
I can sleep even on left side of body but not on back any more.
Every time when I go to bad I lay on my back for some time and always tears are running from my eyes (in past I had dry eyes).
IBT Update (4 months after beginning IBT: 04.29.2010
Wishing to go to bed every day, because I feel great when the body comes to IB position. My wife sleeps so for 3 months and she didn’t feel any mayor difference. I have a lot of energy and strength. Better body position when walking. Stiffness in legs is decreasing last 2 months. My spirit is high.Other improvements are the same as after 2nd week. Maybe I my bladder is emptying more tham before and my erection is better.
IBT Update (6 months after beginning IBT: 06.28.2010
I was seeping flat on my holidays for 6 nights and everything went bad again. Thirsty all the time in night, urinating several times through night, walking slowly…
So I decided to use several blankets to raise the bed and I managed.
After the first night things started to improve. So all the symptoms I am writing about had disappeared.
So I decided never to sleep flat any more.
2 months after the CCSVI procedure I did not noticed many improvements.
Thanks to IBT – those improvements are constant.
Update (2 WEEKS) I.T. Tracking date:_ MM/DD/YYYY
Monthly Update (4 WEEKS) I.T. Tracking date:_ MM/DD/YYYY
Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!