40 dollar inclined bed frame ibt 1Inclined Bed Therapy:  Sleeping Inclined To Restore and Support Your Health For Free.  Fascinating Science, Discovery, History and Medical Research In Circulation And Posture, by Andrew K Fletcher.  Read the Success Stories.  Check the Forum.

Diabetes type 1 and type 2 discussion

Improvements in Diabetes type 2 Insulin, (refused metoformin), on warafarin with asbestosis

9 years 4 months ago #1035 by Andrew
Today, went to see an 82 years young guy, diabetic, good friend. He has been diagnosed with asbestosis and has been coughing mucus up for years, even on IBT. He is also on warfarin and is always complaining about feeling very cold.

Today, I sat with him for several hours and he never coughed once. In fact he said he hadn't coughed at all for several days. His T shirt was up exposing his belly and they didn't have the heating on? I said are you cold? No he replied not at all. He said that he had used two pillows instead of one to prop himself up a little bit more and it has cured his coughing. He spoke clearly, which was unusual as he normally sounds congested. Putting two and two together, the extra increase in angle, as he is very short in stature, has increased / improved his body temperature, which in turn has increased the evaporation rate from his lungs and upper airways, which in turn has increased circulation, which had a knock on affect of increasing body temperature further. A chain reaction set up by a chance decision to experiment with incline.

This is very exciting.

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 4 months ago - 9 years 4 months ago #1036 by Paul
I definitely think head placement/position on a mattress is relevant. People who are smaller or even sleep a little too far down on the mattress, are going to end up a couple of inches lower and have gravity effect them a tiny bit less (albeit not really measurable), so even though the angle doesn't change wherever the head is positioned on the mattress, the head and body is certainly lower down towards the floor if its lower down on the mattress. Maybe my thinking is wrong here. Be interesting to try your tube circulation experiments again Andrew by keeping same 5 degree angle but using different heights on the slope bed.
Last edit: 9 years 4 months ago by Paul. Reason: Added more.

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9 years 4 months ago #1037 by Andrew
I'm still trying to understand how adding an additional pillow while using Inclined bed Therapy can completely eradicate coughing and mucus from asbestosis. Normally this man coughs harshly trying to remove mucus frequently when he talks. To see hi chirping away for 2 hours without coughing at all and hearing him say he hadn't coughed for days was truly remarkable.
He has been sleeping inclined for about 15 years and has had this problem ever since we have known him. His diabetes improvements are also astonishing with his insulin dropping down to less than a third of previous doses and falling.
He had bleeding at the back of his eyes that required surgery and now his eyes are clear without any intervention. He went through a bad patch after being given metformin, / glucophage which killed my Dad, so I recognised his jaundice symptoms immediately and advised him to switch to insulin and fortunately he took that advice and within a month or so all jaundice, bloating, headaches and all other symptoms from this lethal drug vanished. As I said before, Dad was never a diabetic and the doctors eventually admitted this and his GP's excuse was he had given Dad this drug just in case he ever became diabetic????
Could the extra pillow be a red herring? Would he have recovered without it? Have they started using a dehumidifier, which I know they have in their home, and has this contributed to the removal of mucus? So many questions need answering.

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 4 months ago #1038 by Paul
While this is all very exciting and great to hear, it does indeed sound like too many variables need eliminating, as you said.
If he has been doing IBT for 15 years it would be surprising to me if he never used a higher pillow in all that time.
You are thankful for small miracles like this and so you should be, but I personally would not attribute this too much to IBT without successfully eliminate all other variables.

I would think that for shorter people (and more ill?) its very possible that they need an increased angle, which is something that needs exploring.
Hopefully he will continue to improve and you will know without doubt it was IBT.

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9 years 4 months ago - 9 years 4 months ago #1039 by Andrew
Not sure what you mean by shorter people requiring a higher angle? On an inclined bed, the angle is the same if your a baby or well over 2 metres tall. If by what you mean, a baby against a pillow would be on a far more acute angle than if an adults head was on same pillow, then I have to agree, but I doubt this is what you mean.

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!
Last edit: 9 years 4 months ago by Andrew.

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9 years 4 months ago - 9 years 3 months ago #1040 by Paul
Yes pretty much that is what I am saying. It gets back to my early posts when I was learning about angles and height to raise my bed because I didn't understand the maths properly.

Take your tube circulation experiment for example. I have no information on how that worked other than what you state in the interviews, and have asked a few times to understand it more.

I assume you experimented by using long 6 foot tubes to approximate about average sized guy on average sized bed. You achieved an angle of 5 degrees to be the optimal angle. I wonder what happens if you keep that same angle but use much shorter length tubes to represent a shorter person? Do you get the same optimum circulation or is a higher angle needed for shorter tubes?

My thinking was even though the angle is the same with shorter tubes, because the height between the top end of the tube relative to the bottom end (vertex) will be lower than it would be with longer tubes in same relation to vertex, then gravity acceleration (albeit tiny) will be tiny bit more over a longer length.

Unfortunately its not easy to explain certain concepts without lengthy posts.
Last edit: 9 years 3 months ago by Paul.

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9 years 4 months ago - 9 years 4 months ago #1042 by Ozone
Guys believe me....with health variables we don't even stand a chance of understanding all of them. There are cases of someone taking up to two years of continuous detox to eliminate a toxin that accumulated in their system since they were kids....then suddenly they improve! The guy could have moved his bed slightly out of geopathic stress....don't take this one lightly!...or started eating something different...or stopped eating something...or a water vein under his bed stopped flowing due to nearby quarry works....or yes the bed head angle did it...like that guy Andrew referred to recently who used just the pillow angle...forgot his name and website. It's too complex. Any system that HELPS the body to do its own thing works best for people like us who have no access to the best medical care. How the body does its thing is still a bit complex for most people to grasp. Rolf Gordon has a great analogy...our health is like a bucket....we fill it with toxins, EMF, geostress, parasites, etc, stress, until it overflows and we are in intensive care. Most people are half full or even more. Diabetes was mapped quite well by DrClark....infection in the pancreas...and solvent pollution. Now there is EMF induced diabetes. Type 3. I imagine if you are in a high EmF environment, riddled with parasites...and solvents...the inclined bed cannot cure you immediately...the body has to first recover its immunity to deal with those things. It would be easy to wish and hope one technique would be our cure all...but unlikely. The atlas bone in the spine ..if not aligned...can decimate a persons health. By chance if one propped their head up and somehow clicked it back into place...would appear like a miracle as everything corrected!
I had a patient on warfarin....after cleaning him up he didn't need the drug anymore. Long term use of warfarin also kills people usually, as its hepatotoxic, like most drugs, toxic to the liver. If a patient has mould in their house they usually cannot recover fully, whatever we tried...as another example. I imagine if I inclined such a patient they might suddenly recover....as their body got enough resources to overcome the obstacles....but the mould would continue to chip away at their health anyway, poisoning their whole body.
Last edit: 9 years 4 months ago by Ozone.

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9 years 4 months ago #1046 by Paul
Some very very good points there Ozone. Yes there are just too many variables and trying to resolve them all on your own health is hard enough, but trying to resolve them for someone else when you are mostly absent from their daily life is almost impossible.

I pointed out a possible answer to Andrew's question, but like you said the variables are just too many to deal with to be sure, so it's pointless trying to perfect IBT.

IBT is working for me regardless of the technicalities and that is all that matters really. If I can ever motivate my parents to start IBT and their current problems disappear, I will be over the moon.

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9 years 4 months ago #1049 by Ozone
Thanks Paul. I managed to get my parents to incline.....old man is sleeping well he says....he is over 80. Mum also sleeping better so far.
Been watching Dr Bergman....I like him. Of course maybe if he inclined his bed his puffy eyes would improve...and his over deep breathing....but he is a smart doc. I always watch the people that present a new health drive for their own health. Clint Ober, the earthing guy, constantly clears his throat....etc etc. I noticed first time I saw Andrew...he had a ruddy healthy looking complexion, and appeared healthy....so from the first minute I was hooked on IBT. Hope your shoulder is better.

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