40 dollar inclined bed frame ibt 1Inclined Bed Therapy:  Sleeping Inclined To Restore and Support Your Health For Free.  Fascinating Science, Discovery, History and Medical Research In Circulation And Posture, by Andrew K Fletcher.  Read the Success Stories.  Check the Forum.

Boosting Our Immune System To Fight Viral and Bacterial Infections With Inclined Bed Therapy

AIDS HIV Research

9 years 6 months ago - 9 years 6 months ago #534 by Andrew
AIDS HIV Research was created by Andrew
For Africa: BY Andrew K Fletcher

In 1994, I made a very important discovery in circulation, which has shown beyond any shadow of a doubt that the human body requires the correct influence from gravity in order to maintain optimum circulation of bodily fluids! I have been working with people suffering from a whole range of illnesses since 1994. And have observed and documented many incredible recoveries and improvements in conditions ranging from oedema to spinal cord injuries. My work is all freely available on the Internet. Use my name and Gravity as a search term, in a search engine. For Example: Healthy Astronauts develop rapid aging, muscular and bone degeneration, immune deficiencies, neurological and visual problems when they are in space and begin to recover when they come back to Earth!
During several studies, involving many people, it became apparent that the immune system appears to respond significantly from inclined bed therapy. Many people appear to fight off influenza, while others around them develop the condition. Body temperature is maintained and improved while sleeping on an incline. Respiration, Renal function, heart performance also appear to benefit! I Firmly Believe that no person suffering from an illness should be placed on a flat bed!
It is my intention to bring the benefits of my work and discovery in circulation to the people of Africa. I have tried to reach people who have AIDS and other infectious illnesses on BBC World Service Radio. If You are involved with Health Care and would like to test the effectiveness of this simple intervention. I would very much like to hear from you with regards to setting up a controlled study to determine the effects of this powerful free therapy for people with AIDS and HIV.
Adapt your own bed To sleep as nature intended us to, and as The Ancient Egyptians did! A bed is raised placing the head end on a minimum of two 20cm or 8 inch blocks. Hooking the casters or legs over the blocks helps to stabilize the bed. If your bed is the type that joins in the center you will need to support the join with two 3inch or 7.5 cm blocks. The casters at the foot end of the bed should be removed to give the correct slope and added stability. Check the height by measuring from the floor to the top of the mattress. If your bed is longer than a standard bed then you must adjust the height of the blocks accordingly.
A wooden wedge placed under the mattress, or even folded blankets will do the job, but be sure to recheck the angle as the blankets often compress and more should be added to make up the difference. Be patient and expect a little discomfort while gravity adjusts your body to the new posture. You may feel some discomfort in the spine and neck, this appears to be a threshold which has to be passed and is probably due to us developing a more upright posture. If you would like to help me in my ongoing research, or would simply like to monitor your own progress, see the (enclosed) diary entry form to record any changes in your health,

20cm (8ins) block-- 10cm (4ins) block----Castors off bottom

The Importance of Gravity to our Health and Well-being, and its Relation to Rest & Sleep.
The most powerful and least understood force known to man is gravity. A force, that cements all planets to an invisible grid. A force which, here on earth, raised mountains, carved out valleys, hurls molten rock into the air and drives the world's weather and ocean currents. In fact, the very force that shapes everything we are or will ever see. From the time we stand up to take our first steps as children, we sense our correct posture and align ourselves for optimum performance. By standing on our own two feet, we are not struggling to overcome gravity as is currently accepted. In fact we stood up as a species in order to harness and bathe in the earth’s gravitational force. Once this simple and hitherto overlooked concept is accepted, it becomes enlightening to understand how we, the most intelligent of all the species here on earth stand warm blooded and vertical, as opposed to cold blooded reptiles which do not! Yet, in our wisdom we have chosen to ignore the very force that powers all our vital functions when we sleep. We have poured countless £ billions into research and yet answers to debilitating medical conditions which cause untold suffering and premature deaths continue to remain life's unsolved mysteries. Children continue to slip quietly away before they have managed to take a single step. The average life expectancy has remained relatively the same: Three score years and ten or seventy years. Why has this figure failed to change significantly along with the advances in science and medicine? What common denominator does each and every one of us share as we sleep safely tucked up in bed?
Ever since the human race began, people have striven to make life more comfortable and nowhere is this more apparent than in the sleeping quarters of people around the world. Yet, in our endeavours for comfort we have never questioned the angle at which we lay down to sleep? Until now! The rhythms of nature, like the ocean tides, are irrefutably linked to the influences of the Sun, Moon and Earth’s gravitational force. It is no coincidence that animals and plants' synchronize the birth of their offspring. Yet, each of us chooses to ignore the power of gravity every night as we lay in our flat bed.
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Please do not hesitate to contact me: Andrew K Fletcher

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!
Last edit: 9 years 6 months ago by Andrew.

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9 years 6 months ago #537 by Andrew
Replied by Andrew on topic AIDS HIV Research
Inclined Bed Therapy Methods For tilting beds.

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 6 months ago #538 by Ozone
Replied by Ozone on topic AIDS HIV Research
Well written article Andrew! I myself have spent almost 13 years researching AIDS and interacting with such patients. I came out of it not as optimistic as when I started I'm afraid...but still retain some fighting power. I will introduce IBT to the patients I know, and some doctor friends of mine that treat them..and see what happens...maybe someone will be interested in a ' formal' study. AIDS has been extensively studied, we know exactly what's going on in the body...and it's not just a virus eating you up...it's mainly toxicity and organ dysfunction. In Africa the medical establishment is also quite strong, and anyone that advocates for patients to question their toxic drugs usually gets into trouble. The patients themselves actually become somewhat addicted to their ARVs, and start panicking and being irrational if they see themselves improving to the point of not needing them...a very strange thing to witness. I have absolutely no doubt that IBT would help AiDS patients..absolutely. Many of them die from kidney and liver failure actually...and anaemia and lung infections that come from oedema once the kidneys fail...very common. Will update.
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9 years 6 months ago #539 by Andrew
Replied by Andrew on topic AIDS HIV Research
A friend of mine took these leaflets to Gambia approx 200 of them and distributed it to try to reach people who spoke English in a bid to help people suffering from AIDS and a host of illnesses that Africa has been plagued with, that somehow get broad-brushed under the AIDS / HIV labels. Most were probably used to light fires for cooking but a few may have made a difference. I was trying to reach and make a connection with someone who could help to make a difference and fortunately you found out about this research.

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 6 months ago #801 by Ozone
Replied by Ozone on topic AIDS HIV Research
The first AIDS patient is on full incline as of a week ago. I will visit her and do a full evaluation in about a month. Tested HIV positive in 2004 and started ARV drugs then....kept them going on and off through the years, also incorporating alternative modalities. It's been a checkered ride...occasional deterioration where skin pallour went very bad, loss of weight, infections, etc. she is a 65 year old African female. This year has been deterioration proper, with leg ulcers that were painful and took months to heal. Patient is also hypertensive and has been on BP drugs as well. It looked like she was on her last legs. Since inclining to 3 inches a month ago...initial reports were very good sleep. Now on 6 inches it will be interesting to see what happens in a month when I check. Medical records will also be examined as she visits the doctor regularly.

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9 years 6 months ago #802 by Andrew
Replied by Andrew on topic AIDS HIV Research
Exciting times ahead. This is a dream come true being able to help people with AIDS and other medical conditions in Africa.
Boosting the immune system is something I now IBT excels at. And given it costs nothing it should spread faster than the viruses :)

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 6 months ago #803 by Ozone
Replied by Ozone on topic AIDS HIV Research
Indeed. Already recruited second patient....this one has just tested positive to HIV but hasn't really developed AiDS yet...young female not yet on drugs. She is gonna do her routine medical first in two weeks before inclining so we see what changes the next time she does medical school..6 months from now. They are tracking mainly her white blood cells and viral load...which have been fluctuating over the last two years.

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9 years 5 months ago #822 by Ozone
Replied by Ozone on topic AIDS HIV Research
Saw the 65 year old today. Excited to see that her skin is shiny with life...weight is getting back onto her frame, even hearing is improving!! Her blood pressure medications have been reduced!! She looks alive and climbing out of a rut. Seems a far cry from two months ago where she looked matte and listless. I am not that surprised actually....but it is exciting to see!! Will meet the younger one this week to start her off as well.

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9 years 5 months ago #832 by Ozone
Replied by Ozone on topic AIDS HIV Research
The younger HIV patient is suddenly pregnant!! Whereas if it was my sister I would inclined her anyway...especially now...this one I had to postpone. You would have to understand the evolution of the HIV-AIDS religion in Africa to fully see why I decided thus. I have had dozens of AIDS patients...and followed them up for years...! Eventually almost all turn toward ARVs and deterioration and death...even if you're them to improve drastically and reverse their symptoms. The slightest Herxing causes them to get suspicious of any alternative therapies...then they run to the doctors who lecture and harangue them on mumbo jumbo risks..put them on strong medication, and the die is cast. Presidents have almost gotten impeached for even daring to challenge the current HIV- AIDS belief system. So for now we wait...maybe second trimester we will incline. The poor girl is confused by all the information out there and pressure from her doctor to take ARVs to prevent mother to child transmission...she doesn't want to as she has avoided medication and kept her viral load down to 15000, which is next to nothing actually. I wouldn't want to get into the debate of what exactly viral load test do or don't..that's another story. Once an illness becomes political and religious we are almost compromised. The best is to inform people quietly and save them from a horrible death.
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