40 dollar inclined bed frame ibt 1Inclined Bed Therapy:  Sleeping Inclined To Restore and Support Your Health For Free.  Fascinating Science, Discovery, History and Medical Research In Circulation And Posture, by Andrew K Fletcher.  Read the Success Stories.  Check the Forum.

Welcome to Inclined Bed Therapy Where GRAVITY is the latest slant on sleeping your way back to health and fitness.


9 years 8 months ago #402 by Ozone
Hello was created by Ozone
I live and work in Botswana. I am originally an Applied Geologist trained at Leicester Uni in the early nineties. Then later after working as a diamond prospector...switched to aviation and became a military pilot, eventually flying Hercs around the world. I did a lot of health research in my time in the military, mainly to help sick relatives. Specialied in DrHuldaClark, then making zappers, then using ozone...still do, I inhale aethozol regularly...also talk to the MMS people. I sleep earthed...and know Martin Zucker...author of the Earthing book with Clint Ober and DrSinatra. I am also a dowser and regularly dowse for geopathic stress...have communicated with Rolf Gordon in the UK. There are many reasons for sickness, and I have seen many strange successes with unconventional approaches. I use toilet a squatter for my loo....we even poo wrong in this civilization. I was very excited to discover IBT a few days ago...made perfect sense. I put a 3 inch raise for two nights, then went to 5 and a half inches yesterday. The temperature raise Mr Fletcher mentions is a good enough benefit for me, even if it didn't do anything else. I have mild Wilsons Syndrome...core temperature slightly lower than 37 degrees...even 36.8 is too low apparently...and have struggled with nibbling issues for years. Inhaling ozone..aethozol...raises the temp. Even antibiotics usually raise the temperature a bit. Even a good zapper. But then it drops. So the IBT sounds like what I have been searching for twenty years. I am not surprised I never found it before now...it's a Reichian concept called the emotional plague...that's our real illness as humanity. They will actually feel hatred and fear that an engineer beat them at their game. I would love to exchange notes with Mr Fletcher....the 3 am temp drop interests me, because it is stronger when the person is sleeping on geopathic stress. I always shield dirty electricity in my house...which also makes us sick. Apologies for the long winded intro...but am excited about this. Already feel the effects...on many subtle levels.
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9 years 8 months ago #417 by Andrew
Replied by Andrew on topic Hello
HI and welcome to Inclined Bed Therapy
Interesting that the medical profession don't recognise a lower than normal body temperature as a condition. I suspect having a significant drop in body temperature would leave you wide open to every bacterial and viral infection going and that you would have a difficult time fighting them off. Would this be the case?
What is body temperature? Interesting question. Could it be cause by friction as fluids are pumped through the arteries and veins and that having a drop in temperature could mean your blood is either too thin or your vessels too supple to resist the pressure and friction? Think of forcing air through a bicycle pump with your thumb on the air forced passed the restricted opening is under increased pressure and generates heat. This analogy also fits with lizards, snakes, and other reptiles that are flatter on the ground. They increase their body temperature by elevating their body on an incline and do the opposite to cool themselves down.

Gravity, Learn to live with it, because you can't live without it!

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9 years 8 months ago #419 by Ozone
Replied by Ozone on topic Hello
Totally on point. Some doctors always suspect a thyroid issue with lowered temperature. Interestingly long ago ozone doctors new about it...as it rises a bit after ozone therapy. Your logic is quite interesting actually. You are also correct with a lowered temp all issues and infections enter one and run riot. It's a very very important issue. Also....many many enzymes and hormones only work at specific temps so without the correct body temperature..literally nothing will work properly.

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