Inclined Bed Therapy: Sleeping Inclined To Restore and Support Your Health For Free. Fascinating Science, Discovery, History and Medical Research In Circulation And Posture, by Andrew K Fletcher. Read the Success Stories. Check the Forum.
#Prolapse and Bladder leaks, #incontinence
Dear Andrew,, We read about Inclined Bed Therapy in an article, we tried it right away with 15 centimeters (6 inches) under our head. That was 7 days ago.
After 3 nights sleep my wife had urine leaks the 4th day while walking downhill and again on the 7th day walking on the flat. She has slight pain in the lower abdomen region.
She’s 58 years old, 32 years ago, at the birth of her last daughter she had a prolapse, she had recovery therapy and has been fine since.
Could this be a natural re-adaptation phenomena and should we persist and continue or
Should we put the head at 8 centimeters (4 inches) and work up progressively.
Yesterday we put the bed on a 8 cm incline to try, today again my wife had urine leaks while walking.
We are a concerned and would like to have an idea, Have you ever heard about this kind of thing? What do you suggest?
Thank you
B & B
My son's partners mum had a prolapse which she was told required corrective surgery. The good news is, it went back all by itself and has never presented a problem since. It takes quite a while for muscles to tone back up, which in turn hold the bladder in it's correct position.
It may be beneficial as you say, to raise the bed by 8cm and increase once the problem has subsided. What may be happening, and I suspect this is the case, is that oedema is being drawn back into the circulation and this is causing increased urination. If this is the case than it should resolve once oedema has been eliminated. Oedema can be stored all around the body and can be moved to the ankles initially while the pressure changes in the veins catch up with it. Hope this makes sense. kind regards Andrew
31 August 2016